The Inner Eye of Harry Potter
The Gift of Sight
By JBern
keldon posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 9:36am for The Gift of Sight
Well, not a fan of Trelawney so I didn't think I'd like it, but I was pleasantly surprised lots of humor and didn't take the pure incompetence path like I thought it would. Can't wait to see Luna in this perspective.
JBern replied:
I'm glad you took a chance on it. Hope the rest impresses you as well.
squiddy posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 9:32am for The Gift of Sight
It's an interesting read but it reads more like a summary than an actual chapter. It's short so I guess some of it stems from that but it lacks detail. You don't really see harry as "the ultimate straight man" except for a scene or two and has no character development aside from the few paragraphs with Sybil. We have no idea why snape is an "arse" in the context of this story nor do we know why McGonagal is channeling Snape.
Anyway, it's a pretty interesting plot but as i said it needs fleshing out IMO.
Thanks for the 10 minute diversion from work (LOL) I was just done with re-reading "Lie" so was looking for something else when this popped up...
JBern replied:
Honestly, I think humor has to be brief. I'm planning on the chapters only being about 5k in length each. Otherwise the schtick gets old the longer the chapter gets.
Anyway, as a light hearted romp, I'm glad it put a smile on your face.
Tumshie posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 8:37am for The Gift of Sight
Wonderful and original, is 'Aunt Sybill' back at Hogwarts or still at the Dursleys?
JBern replied:
She'll return to Hogwarts for chapter 3 - naturally. (Couldn't you see that coming?)
Gibby posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 8:21am for The Gift of Sight
I love it a great new idea that is very well done by your-self.
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliment.
Melferd posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 8:15am for The Gift of Sight
I am dizzy with love-- "Save the Unicorn, save the world"!! *giggles helplessly**
I can't wait to see how well he gets on with Luna!!!
JBern replied:
Hopefully, you're not still giggling. More coming after the conclusion of Lie.
echo posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 8:04am for The Gift of Sight
JBern replied:
joeBob posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 8:02am for The Gift of Sight
Awesome and original, thanks!
"She supposed surviving a deadly curse could leave lasting brain damage."
Woot! :)
JBern replied:
It's true. Such a curse could leave lasting brain damage - or in canon's case a partial horcrux.
rayven01uk posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 7:22am for The Gift of Sight
That Was great
JBern replied:
Hopefully, the rest will be just as good or better.
Ohhhdear posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 7:20am for The Gift of Sight
I love it!! About time Sybill got a good rap :)
JBern replied:
Yeah, she was due for one. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Wolfric posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 7:17am for The Gift of Sight
Good chapter. I can't wait for Harry to get together with Luna. I was having trouble with the text size on this chapter. Thanks for writing. W.
JBern replied:
It looks alright to me. What browser are you using? Glad you enjoyed it.
duke_bonez posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 7:16am for The Gift of Sight
Rofl. Nice.
"In this case, the powers needed his help, but maybe that was the way it was meant to be, and Harry wasn’t about to argue with the powers."
'I predict that I will win this duel, therefore I win.' hehehehehhehehe.
Definitely looking forward to more.
JBern replied:
Well sometimes the powers need a little nudge. Glad you liked it. The rest will come after the conclusion of Lie.
Tabi posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 7:11am for The Gift of Sight
Oh, that was hilarious! Loved the note with 'Save the Unicorn, save the world'! I believe I speak for everyone and I would like to thank you for your continuing works of brilliance in the writing such works of art!
JBern replied:
Thanks for the compliment. I hope the rest of the story will impress you just as much.
stonewar posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 7:07am for The Gift of Sight
This was fun. Its sort of Harry Potter with Luna Lovegood's voice.
JBern replied:
Jonathan Langford posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 6:53am for The Gift of Sight
This is delightful. Hilarious, even.
JBern replied:
Glad you liked it.
cookie posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 6:48am for The Gift of Sight
woo,it ´s awsome,can ´t wait to see if and when yes how luna and harry will interact xD.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the review. More coming soon.
Rakhasa posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 6:38am for The Gift of Sight
Oh, dear. Wonderful, just wonderful. After so,so many fics where Divination is treated as worse than a joke, I was craving a fic where it is a, well, not serious in this fic, but useful (and real) branch of magic. Sybill is right: You can turn a mouse into a teapot, but do not believe in divination?
A special mention must go for this:
In this case, the powers needed his help, but maybe that was the way it was meant to be, and Harry wasn’t about to argue with the powers.
Yep, that's the way a seer should act :D
JBern replied:
All very valid points. Divination is wonky because Hermione says so in book 3. Why can't the gift of sight be the power the dark lord knows not.
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 6:36am for The Gift of Sight
That was good. His comments made me think he has a prophecy that Firenze will be his familiar.
Thanks for the smiles. Looking forward to the rest.
Hmmm, will this Harry be too weird for Luna?
Tom A.
JBern replied:
It's a definite possibility. Glad you enjoyed it.
zac posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 6:24am for The Gift of Sight
I can't wait for harry to meet luna.
JBern replied:
You'll have to wait until I finish The Lie I've Lived.
Babs posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 6:24am for The Gift of Sight
Seer Harry will drive the whole wizarding world to distraction.
JBern replied:
I predict that you'll like the rest of the story....
Sorry, couldn't resist.
dadscooking posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 9:47am for The Gift of Sight
JBern replied: