The Inner Eye of Harry Potter
The Gift of Sight
By JBern
M2J MandalorianJedi posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 3:04am for The Gift of Sight
This is most definitely one of the more odd and unusual Harry types. One rarely seen, if ever. I like this and can't wait to see more on this. You've definitely got something here. Perhaps this will inspire a wave of Seer!Harry fics the likes which have never been seen before!
JBern replied:
I just hope people enjoy the story. I've never tried a long humor piece before. Making certain that I don't "jump the shark" is a priority.
creaothceann posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 2:55am for The Gift of Sight
Finally a story that doesn't turn my stomach with the imbedded anger.
JBern replied:
I wanted to do something light hearted and not necessarily as dark as my usual stuff.
Banner posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 2:51am for The Gift of Sight
That was fun and funny. And different. I enjoyed it hugely. I can see Harry's big, sincere eyes convincing everyone that he's somewhere between silly and simple - the perfect fall guy, whose "delusions" of Sight keep helpin him luck out of trouble...
JBern replied:
I've been wanting to do something light and humorous to change up things. Hopefully, the rest of the story will impress you just as much.
Frederick Herriot posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 2:34am for The Gift of Sight
BRAVO! BRAVO! We DEFINITELY need to see more of this! BRAVO!
JBern replied:
Glad you enjoyed it. More coming soon.
Cliff Bryner posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 2:17am for The Gift of Sight
What a delight. I enjoyed every word.
JBern replied:
Thank you. More coming as soon as I finish The Lie I've Lived.
Vongsawat posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 2:16am for The Gift of Sight
lol. interesting. tho a bit plain put next to your other fics?
JBern replied:
Fair enough. I'm trying to step out of my usual story telling and try something new.
Lon Huey posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 2:09am for The Gift of Sight
Next year with Luna should be interesting.
JBern replied:
Hopefully every chapter will be interesting. Thanks for the review.
Roberta Johnson posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 2:07am for The Gift of Sight
Charming! I predict great success with this story.
JBern replied:
Wow, you have the gift of sight!
KC posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 1:58am for The Gift of Sight
"Save the Unicorn. Save the World."
Nice. Thanks for making me laugh :)
JBern replied:
Glad you got a good laugh out of it. Hopefully more laughs will follow.
Jderig posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 1:30am for The Gift of Sight
Oh good lord, that's amazing and completely original (at least as far as I know). JBern, there's a region I tend to check nearly everyday, and I'm pretty sure your stories are it. Cheers to you sir.
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliment. I'll do my best to make this a worthy story.
Life's a Dance posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 1:00am for The Gift of Sight
I love this fic, simply because it's so far outside what I'm used to reading that it shocked my brain into new channels! It's a lighthearted bit of well written type, and I look forward to reading the next chapters as I have been looking for a well written story that looks on the bright side of things! Cheers, and I wish you freedom from all future illnesses and injuries (At least until this fic, Turn Me Loose, and The Lie I've Lived are done, LoL!). Happy word hunting!
JBern replied:
Glad I could bring a little variety to your day. More coming when Lie finishes.
Shepherd posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 12:48am for The Gift of Sight
Great chapter. It is always interesting to read a fic where Trelawny isn't a complete flake yet still retains many humorous qualities, and a Harry raised by her should make for a very fun story.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the review. See you around the DW forum.
Matthew Sands posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 12:41am for The Gift of Sight
Well, I see you haven't lost your talent for accomplishing the drastically different with flair. The book recording everything Sybil says is a bloody brilliant idea, can you imagine how many world-changing prophecies have been lost because the seer was alone in the loo, or Foretelling in their sleep?
JBern replied:
That whole 3 predictions thing seems silly. If one has the gift, why is it restricted to just making predictions about Harry Potter? It always struck me as odd.
Treck posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 12:32am for The Gift of Sight
Damn this is great! I do hope that this ends up Harry/Luna. In a story like this it is a match made in heaven.
JBern replied:
We'll see how the pairing works out. No promises. Thanks for the review.
tula posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 12:28am for The Gift of Sight
this was absurdly funny :p
I like the fact that Harry believes everything, and everyone thinks he is wrong even though he is always right (if not in the way the predictions would imply beforehand)
Nice story :D
JBern replied:
Thanks for being my very first review on this story. More coming after the conclusion of Lie.
DrT posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 3:06am for The Gift of Sight
JBern replied: