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Magus posted a comment on Wednesday 31st December 2008 6:28am for A Prayer for Forgiveness

This is one great way to end the year. May all of you have an even better year than the one ending today.

Second quest, the lake, who is going to be taken... I can hardly believe it would be the hat, maybe Hermione, but they are not as close as they use to be.

Thanks for a nice chapter to top the year.

JBern replied:

You'll have to see how I modify the water task, but you won't have to wait much longer.   Thanks for the review.~Jim

Jonathan Northwood posted a comment on Wednesday 31st December 2008 6:22am for A Prayer for Forgiveness

As always, exquisitely written.

Thank you for a glorious ending to the year.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   The next chapter is coming soon!~Jim

amulder posted a comment on Wednesday 31st December 2008 5:58am for A Prayer for Forgiveness

tough choice. At first I thought it was wrong to not involve Neville in this... but on reflection (and I hope someone explains this to Nev) I think it is kind of him to spare Neville the agony of the decision.

I have purposefully never watched (or read) "Sophie's Choice", since I read what the premise was, and decided that I did not want to wallow in that kind of angst. I hope this doesn't lead to too much of that. Actually if you wanted to just punish your character, you would write that it fails and the person dies. I also hope you don't do that!

Honestly, based on what I've read so far in this chapter I have no clue as to who would be the best choice. Can't recall anything from earlier in the story that would apply either. What is more important to Neville, a mother figure or a father?

Again, thanks for sharing, it is turning out very captivating.

JBern replied:

Almost caught up with my reviews.   I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.   Thanks for this one as well.