Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


Eric Oppen posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 6:14am for Caged Fear

And here I thought I could be first...aye, well.

Good chapter! I loved seeing Draco getting branded...would you say he's now a "brand name" wizard? *snicker*

I would have thought, though, that after Harry's third year, Dumbledore'd only let Dementors into that school over his dead body.

JBern replied:

Well, second isn't bad.   As for the Dementors, well Dumbledore had assurances.   They'd be in cages... there were a dozen Aurors in the Great Hall...what could go wrong?

Glad you liked it.~Jim

dhampirkinfolk posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 5:48am for Caged Fear

So Hagrid think's he's Moses now. Isn't that loverly.

JBern replied:

What Hagrid was thinking will likely be important to the next chapter...

Thanks for reviewing.~Jim