Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


AK posted a comment on Saturday 1st November 2008 6:49am for Dancing in the Whirlwind

Grats on selling the story.

And interesting chapter as well, though I noticed that it didn't even cover a full day, at this rate your story will be a few million words long ;)

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I expect this one to make it another 8 chapters to chapter 24 or 25.   There will be a sequel though.~Jim

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Saturday 1st November 2008 6:30am for Dancing in the Whirlwind

My favorite chapter of the story thus far, and I've enjoyed this one a bit more than your others to this point.

A reasonable if rarely used characterization of Dumbledore, and honestly all of the characterizations are really good so far in this one. I even delighted in Krum being everything Malfoy wishes he could be.

Thanks for writing,

JBern replied:

Glad you enjoy the characterizations in this one.   I strive for believability and it is nice when the readers stop to note this.~Jim