Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 11:03pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Why not a 'knowledge bowl'? Because most would think Ravenclaw would win? And Snape wouldn't like the magical competition (esp. Potions) because then his babied junior Death Eaters would be exposed openly to the fact that Purebloods don't always win on an even playing field.

Overall, a really good chapter, and I am liking HJ a lot better now that James is more integrated. Great use of Madam Bones and esp. Poppy, great taunting of Malfoy and Snape.


JBern replied:

Ah yes, but Hermione is supposedly the 'brightest witch' of her age.   The Claws have a rep for being smart and the Slytherins have a rep for being cunning - yet the Weasley twins were exceptionally cunning, Hermione is smart and Ron is usually loyal (after overcoming jealousy issues).   So, the question is how do the Hogwarts students all star team match up against the best and the brightest from DS and BB?

Glad you enjoyed the chapter.~Jim

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 9:33pm for Plans are Subject to Change

I've enjoyed this tale quite a bit, but this chapter kicks up another notch the YeeHaw Factor.

And to think, you haven't even made it to the Triwizard Tournament.

The interactons of Dumbledore, Malfoy, Amelia Bones, Harry, and Moody at the hearing were very much in character.

Great taking-interest-in-Neville scene.

Great Work. Cheers!

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I really appreciate it coming from you.   The Neville scene is a bit of a nod to Matthew.   In NoFP, he has Harry accidentally break Ron and Neville's wands so they can get new ones.   In this one, Neville would like to have his own wand, but he'll be damned if he lets Harry break something that belongs to his Dad.~Jim

Taren posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 8:48pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Loved this chapter.

I like the idea of the school versus school tournament. I figured that it was not in the book as everything was from Harrys point of view and it didn't really impact him.

Say if HJ mentions how to bypass the age line to someone then he could end up with a different Hogwarts competitor. I'm looking forward to HJ explaining the actual terms of a legally binding contract to Dumbles!

Bloody Baron Potter indeed!

JBern replied:

I agree the real book should have at least mentioned more activities.   Heck just a paragraph here or there could have at least set the tone.

If the scene works out as well as it does in my mind HJ ripping into DD over his name popping out will be worth it.~Jim

noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 8:31pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Love it. The Blooky Baron a Potter.
Why not send a letter to the Prophet about Snape? I am sure that one letter mentioning he is a Death eater and had to murder to be initiated would interest the many parents. That, and a recap of his teaching methods, just to remind the parents what their children are going through. Hell, sign the letter from Lucy. I never understood it--there should be parents, after every break, writing to the gobernors about Snape. The man couldn't last a year, even with DoubleDumb's protection.

JBern replied:

Agreed.   One of the hardest things for an author trying to stay as close to canon as possible is to have DD justify SS's presence.   It boggles the mind.   So, I will do my best to walk a fine line there.   Fortunately, IP82 is very keen on helping me with my DD portrayal.~Jim

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 8:22pm for Plans are Subject to Change

LOL at the Hat panicking and I love the idea of disillusionment spells are rubbish compared to invisibility cloaks. Love C.A.T.S. too - nice use of unknown magical theory sounding like auror training. The action scene was great.

HJ's quick thinking in the court scene, turning the tables on Malfoy, was superb. I also liked that you didn't automatically make everyone a great fighter, especially the Weasleys.

Loved the idea too of all the ways you could get past the age line. It's thrilling to read a story that plays with the characters so well and changes canon mostly by giving them and us more information. Nearly broke a rib laughing over Necro-Snapey! I also loved HJ's reasoning that because James had saved Snape's life, Snape was forced by his magic to do the same in return.

Absolutely excellent final line. I continue to worship at the Hat's brim and your feet. He is fantastic. I love the idea of the Song being so much more too. More please. Wonderful chapter as always. Adore this.

PS - Sorting Beret, unfortunately yes, slightly more sophisticated and attractive than the Hat, just as filthy minded but with more bilingual puns.

JBern replied:

Well in this case JP was planning on being a professional duelist.   If Disillusionment was so cool, why would people want cloaks instead?

Age lines are for wimps!   Sorry, what was the best the Weasley brothers came up with - an aging potion.   Naturally, Albus would overlook things like these children knowing Occlumency or being an Animagus.   If a confundus charm is powerful enough to work on the GoF, why couldn't it work on the age line protecting it?

Thanks for the review Ms. Beret.~Jim

rune1806 posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 8:15pm for Plans are Subject to Change

hi great update, i thought that calling snape a death eather and asking how many people he killed was one of your best. i take it that mad eye was already barty? so that is why there was a mind wipe? i like makeing the tri into more then just three tasks, another good idea. i look forward to the next update.

JBern replied:

You're right about Barty.   He set off the Dark Mark with Charlie's wand.   Glad you enjoy the story.~Jim

Yo posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 5:48pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Woah... Your author notes alone stimulate much contemplation, but with the rest of the chapter... This story has never failed to amaze me in its humor, cleverness, and plot. Just what you did with Madame Pomfrey leaves in shock.

My highlights will be observing how the "Golden Trio" (is that even official?) interacts, as I think in stories like this they usually get shafted; if the Hat gets to "chat" with Harry much anymore (heh, loved the last lines - really tossed me for a spin), seeing what else the James aspect will reveal, and how his "let's be Harry's girlfriend" situation pans out. Though with Harry's mindset, Fleur is going to make quite an impact (as in he is only humoring Katie and especially Ginny).

Man oh man, your author notes are so thought-provoking, though I suppose with the book's length, it would require quite the determined children to read even more. In anycase, I eagerly await seeing what you have in store for us on that end.

I hope you update soon!

... I really have to get around to reading your -Bungle in the Jungle-, though I should not have, reading the last few chapters left me breathless. And I think dark in a better [for me] fashion than -To Fight...-. That just got a bit too realistic for me; what can I say, I am more a sap/"good guys always win and then some" than one who appreciates such realism. Though I do still read the chapters, in a manner. Keep up the lovely work, and I hope you do not mind this rambling...thing...

JBern replied:

Thank yo for a long and thoughtful review.   The trio won't be shafted, but HJ can't help not feeling different about his two friends.   He suddenly grew up and they didn't.

The TWT champions are allowed to choose a coach for the Tournament - guess who or more precisely what HJ is going to choose?

Hopefully, you enjoy Bungle in the Jungle.   It's a tough read for the first few chapters while you adjust to the 2nd person pov, but trust me the story is worth it.   Bungle is much more humorous than To Fight.   I think you'll enjoy it immensely.~Jim

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 5:28pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Wouldn't they question Crabbe about who else
was there? They should be able to nail the others
for similar charges. It's not like they all just
did at as a lark without talking to one another.
We should see some people covering their asses

-‘I Want All of You to Bend Over and Take it Up the Arse.’

LOL! I love the hat!

-‘You mean Lord Baron William Potter. Oh, I don’t
-know — moron! Why don’t you take a fucking guess?’


Hmmm. He may come by the pareselmouth skill naturally.

Excellent chapter.

How about Gabriel following him everywhere and her older
sister getting stymied in her attempts to get to 'know him
a bit better'?

JBern replied:

They tried to question Crabbe.   Someone Obliviated him (Barty Crouch posing as Moody).

The Baron's   story should appear in the next chapter as should our lovely Fleur.

Thanks again for the reveiws.~Jim

pyrodaemon posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 5:27pm for Plans are Subject to Change

OMG!!! I'm dying...Sorry I had to take time to collect myself lol. I can honestly say I've never seen *anyone* have the Baron be a Potter. That's a great thought, Slytherin's ghost as a spy for Harry. The possibilities.
I know what you mean by the activities during the Tournament. I mean the only activity that people could see was when people fought the dragon then they were in the lake, which doesn't exactly get awards for best view and the last was in a maze, granted they might have got to see a little seeing as the stands are really high in the air but I'm sure they couldn't see everything that happened. Anyways that how thing was leading up to: it made me a little mad when nothing but the tournament took place. If nothing else I'd figure the three schools would want to show how much *better* they were at everything.
I love the 'C.A.T.S. — Conjure, Animate, Transfigure, and Succeed' thing. Is there anyway you'd give license for other *cough*me*cough* authors to use that? You don't have to of course, well you know that lol, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.
I liked the battle scene, but then I've liked every battle scene you've written that I've read, you're very good at writing them...
I HATE Snape so I'm really glad you're *grins evilly* working on getting rid of him. I hope its *verrry* slow going.
I'll finish with saying this was the best line in the whole chapter and I'm beginning to like the hat (he's growing on me):
'I Want All of You to Bend Over and Take it Up the Arse.'

JBern replied:

If you want to use CATS go ahead.   All I ask is that you mention me in acknowledgements.   We're all having fun here.   I've said similar things about the concepts of spellchaining and the game of Dodgespell from Bungle in the Jungle.   If you find something I've done that fits in your story and makes it better by all means use it.


Cuey posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 5:19pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Bloody Baron as a Potter? That's original to me.

All in all I thought it was good, if there was an exception I am curious as to how effective magical dueling is. Wouldn't a banished burning wagon kill or severelly maim a human being it comes into contact with to the point said human would be unable to stand and continue fighting? Anyway, I can live with Yaxley getting back up so it isn't that big of a deal, I seem to have a different opinion on how wizarding duels should go than most do anyway.

JBern replied:

Well it wasn't a wagon that you'd attach a team of horses to.   It was more like what you'd have a single burro/donkey pull and because of its size it didn't move as fast as HJ would have liked.   I pictured that part of the battle like someone hit by a car in a parking lot and being able to get back up because the car was only going 5-10 mph.   Notice when he banished the tent spike it moved much faster.~Jim

joeBob posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 5:16pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Great chapter.

If Harry really has any pull with the Bloody Baron, why would he waste it asking for permission to date Myrtle? Better to spy and/or torment bad guys using the Baron.

Also, who died and made the Baron boss ghost? He can't order around all the other ghosts.

JBern replied:

Peeves is scared of the Baron and it implies that the other ghosts are leery of him.   The passage was poorly worded on my part.   The Hat was implying that if HJ wanted to use Myrtle to spy for him in the Slytherin dorms that he should clear it with the Baron.

Hope that clears it up.~Jim

Kail posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 4:59pm for Plans are Subject to Change


Lord "Bloody Baron" William Potter!

Niiiiiiiiicccee twist, there. Can't wait to see what you pull next.

JBern replied:

Well there's the back story to the Baron and the cryptic mention of a Ravenclaw named Sarah Underhill.   How's that for a tease...


Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 4:50pm for Plans are Subject to Change

I like the changes you've made to the Tournament. Having different rules/forms at the different schools is a nice touch. It'll be interesting to see how HJ, obviously with some pretty detailed knowledge of the tournament, deals with things differently than Harry.

I didn't understand the thought behind the line: "Sarah Underhill was a Ravenclaw." I don't find that name in the earlier chapters, either.

Neville through HJ's eyes as is interesting. I assume, from earlier chapters, he'll be getting more 'screen time' and development.

The Bloody Baron's an ancestor and James never knew it either? Sweet. :-)

Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

JBern replied:

You wouldn't find her.   It was a cryptic reference.   More on Ms. Underhill coming soon.   It's something from the Marauder Era that should stir up a few things...

Glad you like the changes if you look at the review replies, I talk about one of the tasks in it.

The Baron's background will be mentioned next chapter.   I think you'll enjoy it.   Also, we get to meet a certain Beauxbaton's champion...~Jim

Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 4:27pm for Plans are Subject to Change

the answer to most of your AN questions is, I think, that by that time JKR had been taken over by the corporate folks, and she was told to get the story out quickly, and "NO, the book cannot be 1000 pages long.

great chapter - love to see HJ setting up things so well, but that he is not super boy despite his superior knowledge and experience

thanks for your excellent tales.

JBern replied:

I still think a paragraph or two mentioning various inter-school activities would have gone a long way.

Glad you enjoy the chapter and I hope I continue to meet or exceed your expectations.~Jim

Galadrion posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 4:23pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Oh, nice bit right there at the end! And now I'm wondering just when you plan on setting the Bloody Baron's death day - you did make a point of mentioning that a Potter died 400 years ago in the "Tournament That Nobody Won".

JBern replied:

Nope!   That wasn't the Bloody Baron.   I think you'll like what I have in mind for the true backstory.~Jim

skulLXeon posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 4:05pm for Plans are Subject to Change

interesting Twist... Lord Baron William Potter? hm... sounds ever so devious.... lol...
and then, there's the death eater jrs. and this school year is definitely shaping up to be an interesting one.

keep up the good work ... and adios for now...

JBern replied:

Glad you liked the twist.   Next update in 2-3 weeks.   You'll have to settle for reading Book 7 during that time.~Jim

Lufio posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 3:46pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Oh, ho! The Bloody Baron as a Potter is an angle I did not expect. I hope you do something with that. Doesn't have to be as involved as the Sorting Hat, but something.

Kudos with the addition of more inter-school activities during the Tournament.

JBern replied:

I do have something up my sleeve.   Hopefully, you'll like it.~Jim

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 3:22pm for Plans are Subject to Change

That was hilarious. Well, not the killing and fight, that was just exciting. Although, if the hat had landed near a fire, it could have been yelling and pleading the whole time. Or maybe just that the path that the hat flew when HJ summoned him was through a bank of flames, that would wake him up.

As usual, I think Harry's best friend in this, is that he is not as shy or reticent as he was in canon. The James portion of HJ should have no problem with using the media for his goals, including the removal of Snape and the marginalization/persecution-with-cause of Lucius. Really, how much would it take to sway the populous to realizing that A: the captured Dees claimed before to be under the Imperius and B: the mark cannot be installed to any but the willing.

Looing forward to more. Thank you for writing.

Mike (MoA)

JBern replied:

I knew the chapter was missing something.   The Hat should have been in more danger!   I'll have to keep that in mind for later.   Hopefully, the Snape baiting will pleae you.   Thanks for the compliements.   Next chapter in 2-3 weeks.~Jim

walklightwhite posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 2:43pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Another great chapter from you, jbern. Both the Hat and HJ are coming into their own as interesting characters.

One minor nitpick... Tonks was a Hufflepuff, not a Ravenclaw. JKR put it on her website. Not that big of a deal, though.

JBern replied:

Maybe HJ was wrong about recalling Tonks as a Claw.   I've seen various stories with her in just about every house.   I don't recall seeing it in the HP-lexicon, so I picked a house and went with it.   Thanks for the kudos on my character development.~Jim

Hagrid posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 2:37pm for Plans are Subject to Change

Yet another great chapter. Get 'Arry outta his depression, have him kick some ass! Yeh just gotta love that Hat.

JBern replied:

Thanks big guy.   Sorry about the comment where you might not be the best person to deliver a legal position.   Hope that didn't offend you.   :-)
