Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


Keeroo92 posted a comment on Friday 25th February 2011 5:08pm for An Overdue Reunion

That's gotta be one of the worst ways to die - eaten alive. *shudders* if you like that kind of thing, I'd recommend the Demonata series by Darren Shan. The ending of Bec was both chilling and well described. I like your approach to it as well.

Abraxan posted a comment on Wednesday 4th August 2010 3:59pm for An Overdue Reunion

Boy, you really seem to have it in for the Weasleys! Killing Percy, George, AND Ginny and now MOLLY?? Poor Arthur and the rest. You've done away with so many families, the magical gene pool is gonna get mighty small!! And turning Darius into Frank - the poor Longbottoms. I hope Alice doesn't get her mind back - losing her son and losing her husband AGAIN will just make her lose her mind again, poor thing!

Abraxan, who honestly enjoyed the chapter - it was exciting and all that . . .

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 24th July 2009 11:21pm for An Overdue Reunion

So, the Weasleys are now down to Fred, Ron, Bill, Charlie, and Arthur. With the way this fic is progressing, I've no hopes whatsoever for any of them.

fyrecat posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd December 2008 8:58pm for An Overdue Reunion

...Sooo... Does Voldie win in this story? because it looks like everyone else is too busy infighting to give him any real opposition.

JBern replied:

I did toy with letting him win...

Brian Donnely posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2008 10:36am for An Overdue Reunion

Dumbledore using the Polyjuice to become Harry was a tricky maneuver. Good stuff.

I agree with it being ridiculous that Molly kills Bellatrix. No way would that ever happen.

JBern replied:

But you can see how a more competent Dark Lord adjusted to Dumbledore's little strategem...~Jim

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 13th November 2007 9:01am for An Overdue Reunion

I'm still in disbelief by how superior you've made Riddle. Any mistakes he has made have simply been overcome by his seeming endless power.

If he had enough power to do the things he is doing this chapter he would have been king of the world ten years before this story even started. You need to mix in a dash of fallibility for him, or it ruins the effect.

Thanks for writing,

JBern replied:

I answered this above so I won't rehash it, but one of the things I missed in most epic stories is the absolute power of the bad guy.   We never get to see Sauron cut loose.   The scene with Luke, Vader versus Emperor Palapatine seemed so vanilla.

Hope that makes sense.~Jim

Jimmymercury posted a comment on Monday 17th September 2007 12:28am for An Overdue Reunion

I in joy your story a lot! Please keep up the great work! Jimmy

JBern replied:

Thanks.   Chapter 39 will be up in a few days.~Jim

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Thursday 13th September 2007 7:24am for An Overdue Reunion

Darius is a truly terrifying individual. I like the way he just kills so thoughtlessly. Hmm, random question: In Buffyverse (and to some extent Potterverse), vampires are soulless. Is this true of Darius or has he simply retained his vampire nature in a souled body with all the memories intact? It isn't unbelievable that he could behave as he does with a soul (God help anyone who doubts that), but it's a point of interest for me.

Eeek! at Lily's reappearance. That fight was superb. I especially liked Susan's savage Hufflepuff fury and her lie to Dumbledore.

As always, it is a delight to see the return of Narcissa and her plots. She simply sizzles on the screen.

You killed Molly and with such lack of emotion! I agree that the whole Molly killing Bellatrix thing was weird but then again I think JKR wanted to show the triumph of love in a very visceral way compared to Harry's ethereal triumph.

Excellent chapter as always. I'll be sorry to see this end. More please.

JBern replied:

I don't know if I have the courage to engage in discourse on the souls of a vampire.   Talk to me about it again when you finally read the epilogue.  

Yeah, I get what JKR was trying to do.   It wasn't what I wanted to see.   Hence the reason for fanfiction...Chapter 39 in a few days, my bodybag delivery is behind schedule.~Jim

RheaN posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 5:52am for An Overdue Reunion

Love it! I am really interested in how you're going to finish the whole thing off.

JBern replied:

Well, stick around chapter 39 in a few days and the final chapter in a few weeks.~Jim posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 3:19am for An Overdue Reunion

Outstanding chapter!!!! I loved the chapter and I can't wait to read what happens in the next chapter. As for Molly killing Bellatrix in Deathly Swallows your point? Ever since the ending of book 5 I've thought that Book 6 and 7 were and are going to be nothing but works for horribly written fanfiction. I however thought this chapter was very well written, will there be a sequel? I really wanna see how Harry and Susan live after Moldieshorts is dead. Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)

JBern replied:

No sequel.   I would argue that somewhere around the beginning of book 5 things started to go into a slide.   Thanks for the compliments.   Chapter 39 will be up shortly and I promise you a battle of Hogsmeade that you won't likely forget for some time.~Jim

penguins4me posted a comment on Monday 10th September 2007 2:06pm for An Overdue Reunion

Yeah, I thought her killing Bellatrix was crazy too. She even got the only 'swear' word in the series. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the clan reacts to losing her. Thanks for not doing in Remus and Tonks. I'm a big Tonks fan. And Remus deserves some happiness, dammit. Good job on this story and I am waiting on baited breath for the end and more of the beginning of Turn Me Loose. Oh, and HJ from Lie. He's in limbo right now, can't wait til he actually talks to Fleur. Keep up the good (if slightly depressing) work. Just don't end it like a Shakespeare drama - oh yeah, and everybody dies!

JBern replied:

Thanks.   Sorry for the tardy reply, but things have been rather busy here.   Chapter 2 of TML just posted.   Chapter 39 of this one will be as soon as I get it back from beta.   I can't wait to write the HJ/Fleur scene in chapter 8 of Lie, but I need to get this one finished first.~Jim

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Monday 10th September 2007 9:27am for An Overdue Reunion

Ha! I was about to say that you killed Molly just because you hated her killing Bellatrix in book 7. You pre-empted me already! Ha!

Great chapter, I would criticise that the whole "covenant" idea was a little unrealised and anti-climactic. It was such a great idea that it seemed you underused it in favour of wrapping up the story more quickly.

I liked the idea of Albus pollyjuicing as Harry to fight Voldemort. Really quite liked the whole Voldemort transfigured a falling witch into glass so she would shatter. I seem to relish the interesting deaths, does that make me a bad person?

The interesting "police" state that Scrimegeour has seemed to create seems little better than what Voldemort may have in store.

I look forward to the final battle with undisguised glee. Glee I tell you!

Thanks for writing, can't wait for more!

JBern replied:

Chapter 39 in a few days when I get it back from beta.   Glad you like it.   Thanks for all your reveiws.~Jim

Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 9th September 2007 5:32pm for An Overdue Reunion

Great chapter. Good to see Susan getting a little action. You're going to run out of Weasleys eventually. I look forward to your final installments. Thanks for writing. W.

JBern replied:

Like I said above, still a few Weasleys left.   Still a few chapters left.   Glad you liked it.   Chapter 39 in a few days.~Jim

Darak1 posted a comment on Sunday 9th September 2007 3:50am for An Overdue Reunion

This isn't a bad fic but I still despise it because every time you publish a chapter for it I can't help but think you could have gotten a chapter for your other story out instead. Go figure human logic.

JBern replied:

Well just pretend I'm a different author. Still, I detest abandoned stories and I will finish this beast.   Chapter 39 in a few days.   Chapter 40 and epilogue coming soon.~Jim

PerfesserN posted a comment on Saturday 8th September 2007 7:07am for An Overdue Reunion

Eaten by Inferi. Too bad Percy couldn't get his ghost buddies together to possess the zombies and use them against each other. Now where have I seen that before. . .
I do agree, it's a war. People die. You don't get to choose which ones. The Grim Reaper rolls the dice and when your number comes up you gotta go. And when you gotta go, go gotta go. . .
It'll be good to finish this tale, that means you can concentrate on the other two stories, yes?

JBern replied:

Where have I seen that before indeed!   Reminds me that I need to catch up on your story, but as you can see from the 2+weeks it's taken me to respond that I am rather busy.~Jim

creaothceann posted a comment on Saturday 8th September 2007 1:45am for An Overdue Reunion

YODA: Hmmm. Much anger in him.

Seems like JKR put too many plot details into the first six books, making them more complicated and hence more polished. DH is not a perfect book, true. But talking like that about it doesn't seem necessary to me... It's the one sore spot of bother when reading your updates, the reviews and your replies.

JBern replied:

Thanks for the review.   Mostly it was disappointment on my part and not anger.   We could argue about JKR's writing for a long time and I would be happy to debate the size of her gaping plot holes, deus ex machina de jour for each book that somehow seems so important than is barely worth mentioning later and sure, she has professional editors to make certain that her grammar, punctuation and mechanics  are flawless.   I've got a few people who volunteer their time.

We could do all this, but I doubt that I would change your opinion and you most likely wouldn't change mine.   The better solution would be for me to just keep writing.



gadriam posted a comment on Friday 7th September 2007 11:59pm for An Overdue Reunion

Molly, the fabled mother-of-all, cut down and eaten alive in front of her ghost of a son as entertainment for a former vampire. It's so hideous it's clearly art.
Susan rocked. The post-last battle of Lily was a brilliant battlescene. There were a couple of chapters that failed to engage me, but this rocked in so many ways. I agree with Dwilken. Dirty indeed.

JBern replied:

Sorry for the long delay in replying.   As you can imagine it's been busy.   Chapter 39 is just waiting on beta.   It'll be up soon.   I promise, you'll feel even dirtier.~Jim

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Friday 7th September 2007 2:32pm for An Overdue Reunion

While I am glad Harry will no longer be under the effect of 'James' and 'Lily', I am saddened a bit at the demise of Mrs. Weasley - at least in this story.

From the way this last bit was written, it sounded like the Burrow was close to Hogsmead - or did I miss something from an earlier chapter? I think there is a great distance between the two places.

Now we can only hope Percy can get to Harry and company in time to save the rest of the day.

I look forward to your next chapter.


JBern replied:

The burrow was destroyed a while ago.   Molly and Arthur were living at Aberforth's house in Hogsmeade.   Hope that clears that up.   Sorry for the almost 3 weeks for the reply.   It's been busy around here.   Chapter 39 will be up in a few days.~Jim

warpwizard posted a comment on Friday 7th September 2007 2:14pm for An Overdue Reunion

You nasty nasty man you. The whole chapter was nasty, especially the end. Good job. :)

JBern replied:

Thanks.   Sorry for the long delay.   Chapter 39 will be up in a few days and it's just as nasty.~Jim

joeBob posted a comment on Friday 7th September 2007 1:58pm for An Overdue Reunion

Every girl's wish: To off the mother-in law.

Still not sure why Voldy would bother with Darius.

This story may have too many threads... Starting not to care about a lot of them.

Anyway, thanks for the update.

JBern replied:

Only 2 chapters left and you'll get your answers about why Voldy would bother with Darius.   Chapter 39 in a few days.~Jim