To Fight the Coming Darkness
Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
By JBern
LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 9:22am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
Something's wrong. No one died this chapter - Frank doesn't really count - are you okay?
JBern replied:
They were out of virtual body bags. I needed to restock.~Jim
warpwizard posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 9:17am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
As nasty as ever. Good stuff.
JBern replied:
Thanks. Next chapter coming soon. Send for some e-body bags!~Jim
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 8:33am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
This story continues to amaze and entertain. The darker and much more realistic way you have woven the many subplots has been incredible to read. I especially love the way you turned Harry's greatest strength, his mothers love and the memory of her sacrifice, into his greatest weakness and challenge was inspired. I look forward with great relish to the coming battle.
JBern replied:
I think when I'm finally finished with this beast it'll be a good read, though probably not one that people reread often. Even people who say they like dark story say this is a bit disturbing. Thank you for the compliments.~Jim
whatareyouevensaying posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 8:26am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
Excellent update, as always. I loved your brief perspective on Dumbledore, and the ending with Lily promises a great deal of chaos in the next chapter.
It's a shame about Narcissa. She may love Charlie, but now it's clear that she can't come away without some new scars, at the very least. Draco is hopefully mincemeat. Another character that I'm rooting against (obviously) is Rita Skeeter.
I'd submit a longer and better review, but I have to leave for work. Thanks for putting so much effort into each chapter, you do fantastic work.
JBern replied:
Cissy didn't get where she is by not looking out for number 1. As Dr. Phil says, the best predictor of future actions is past behavior.
Glad you enjoy the story - get to work ya bum!
DiscountNinja posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 7:57am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
Nice - I like Dumbledore, people try and write him as human and faible ... but no one really does it like you :) no one else seems to be able to capture that he has insecurities too ... I really like what you've done with him =D
JBern replied:
He's had a rough go of it this story and rightfully so all the deaths should affect him. Thanks for the compliments. Next chapter sooner rather than later.~Jim
Yonexcannon posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 7:06am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
Once again I really enjoyed the chapter. The only exception that I take to the chapter is the confiscation of Harry's books.
If he is a licensed hitwizard authorized to possess a second wand and dragon hide armor, I would think that he would have a special dispensation to have/possess certain books.
JBern replied:
They didn't really cover that dispensation and it would have been a grossly unpopular move at that point, better to remove the darkest books and nastiest artifacts. Hope that makes sense.~Jim
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 7:00am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
Wonderful part here, and liked how Narcissa is playing things, as well as Draco's reactions, and Harry and his trials, both mental and physical, got to say about Pansy, she'd have big brass ones if she were male, and still does, just in a different part of the female.
JBern replied:
Personally, I liked Draco's head being used for a door knocker, but that's just me. So far you're the only person to comment about Pansy making sure she got hers. Glad you liked it.~Jim
DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 6:40am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
Interesting plan Narcissa has. I look forward to seeing it in action
JBern replied:
Next chapter sooner rather than later.~Jim
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 5:27am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
Few fanfics capture the depression of war. This chapter is well done in so many ways. That's one of them.
Ugh - Harry having to fight his mother - or at least his mother's re-animated body. Shudders!
JBern replied:
Like I said above, I think it will make a good read when it's finally done, but not the kind of fic that people will reread over and over again. Realistic darkness is a bit disturbing. Glad it continues to impress.~Jim
Gullwhacker2 posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 5:15am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
Although both Bungle/TML and the Harry James story whose title briefly eludes me are above this in my books, it's still interesting to see it continue. Repercussions of...just about everything. Interesting to see just what kind of censoring Rita's receiving. And things seem to have turned just plain nasty in school...
Concluding soon, I take it?
JBern replied:
Things are definitely getting uglier. Think they'll get any better soon? Nah, me neither. Next chapter coming soon.~Jim
Fishburne posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 10:33am for Hidden Agendas, Open Hostility
JBern replied: