To Fight the Coming Darkness
Your Best Foot Forward
By JBern
fyrecat posted a comment on Friday 19th December 2008 8:54am for Your Best Foot Forward
Great fight scenes as always!
JBern replied:
Thanks. Wanted to do something with Susan and give her a moment to "shine" as it were.
Brian Donnely posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 6:50pm for Your Best Foot Forward
Ohhhh ho ho, damn I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Rune-augmented axe-wielding Hagrid is awesome.
I can see Dumbledore's death looming over the horizon, though. Seems fitting, as he and Harry just got back on good terms. Though, you have busted a record number of cliches, perhaps the next one is that Dumbledore doesn't die in his first encounter with Voldie? I'll have to see, won't I?
JBern replied:
Oh darn, most of Dumbledore got out of that battle. Better luck next time!~Jim
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 18th April 2007 6:09am for Your Best Foot Forward
The loss of Susan's foot was brilliantly calculated to shock. Reminds me of Harry's leg problems in the Bobmin fics. It amuses me so much that the very anti-magic Catholic church is aware of the magical world.
JBern replied:
Well, I also wanted to do a riff on 'Magical ER' too bad I wasn't a fan of 'House' back then or I would have written the healer a bit differently....
I'm surprised I didn't get more crap over using the Church in the story. I know a bunch of people gave Draco664 a ration of it for his fine story. Oh well the grittiness of this story must have driven them off a long time ago.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 2nd March 2007 5:32am for Your Best Foot Forward
This is an amazingly complex and full-bodied story, rich with new ideas and delightful re-examinations of existing plot ideas.
Well done!
JBern replied:
Thanks. I try my best.~Jim
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Monday 18th December 2006 10:30am for Your Best Foot Forward
The thought of the possiblity of a fanfic that includes more about Christianity and religions in general come to mind today and I thought of your Vatican Wizards.
JBern replied:
I am surprised that I haven't gotten any flames about that. Some people have been annoying Draco664 about his use of the Catholic Church in his fantastic story. I had expected the same treatment. I figure if the Muggle governments are on some levels aware of the magical world, then the Catholic Church (while not the power that it once was), would also be aware. After all, consider how many muggleborns first bout of accidental magic would be grounds for the family contacting their local priest and possibly inquiring about an exorcism. Why wouldn't the Church have it's own magical folk? Most people who are elevated to Sainthood have performed miracles?
Just some food for thought. Glad it gave you pause to stop and consider something I wrote.~Jim
applesollie posted a comment on Wednesday 15th November 2006 7:50am for Your Best Foot Forward
I've realy enjoyed your story so certainly is a twist on things...a question? Remus and Harry are cool now?
JBern replied:
They are mostly cool now. Things are much better than around chapter 8.~Jim
Tanydwr posted a comment on Wednesday 15th November 2006 2:20am for Your Best Foot Forward
Crikey! What an ending! Runes, Hagrid? Ones to help him tap into his connection with magical creature, perhaps?
Ginny - an oath? Well, if she does snap and become her generation's Bellatrix as Penny thought she might, at least she'll be doing so on the side of good. And poor Luna! Neville will be furious!
Harry gave Snape the prophecy? Or did he - he only said conversation... and he could have cut off the memory...
This is an amazing story - keep up the excellent work.
Lol, Tanydwr
JBern replied:
You should really enjoy the next chapter. If you can't wait for it visit ficwad or, but let me know what you think of chapters 21-25. The should answer most of your questions.~Jim
patrickokc posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 6:38pm for Your Best Foot Forward
absolutly love this story...I had never thought to read a HP/SB story before but haveing run out of the other ships there were out there *minus the slash stories of corse...ugh* I started reading this one. I will now look up and start not only reading these but maybe some luna and hanna stories as well...your stories is one of the best plots for ind. Harry i have read in a long time. thanks for the time you put into it and I cannot wait to read the rest.
JBern replied:
Thanks. I am sure there are plenty of lesser used ships out there you might enjoy. Jeconais has a very nice Harry/Hannah one shot in his mix. Cubdom has a nice Harry/Susan story called Remanants of the Soul (which he needs to update). I also recommend The Jack of Diamond's Harry Potter and the Hero's Path. My other story is an interesting if slow developing Harry/Luna.~Jim
anonymous5 posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 2:49pm for Your Best Foot Forward
bravo, bravo! This is an excellently-executed ending. Hagrid covered in runes is a nice and wholly unique touch. I can't wait to see where you go from here!
JBern replied:
Thank you very much. The big battle next chapter should be really enjoyable. I'll get it up here as soon as I get it back from the rework beta genius that is Kokopelli. If you can't wait try find it on ficwad or
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Thursday 24th February 2011 11:09am for Your Best Foot Forward