Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


Magnificent the Destroyer Lord posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 2:06am for And I'm Here to Please

NICE!!!! All hail the return of the author!!! *leads crowd in cheers*

Anyways, nice touch with the humunkulus - is that going to wrk anything like the ones in Fullmtal Alchemist, or is this going to work like a tame Inferius?



JBern replied:

I'm working out the kinks with the homoculus right now as I start into chapter 7.   I've never really watched FMA, so I don't know how that works.   I'll just do it the way I think it should be done and go with that.

Glad you liked the chapter, sorry for the delay in my reply, but as a peace offering Lie 13 is now posted.~Jim

DobbyElfLord posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 2:00am for And I'm Here to Please

Welcome back!

I read this just before breakfast. The image of "Wrong Way" Rubeus and Hack the Troll Gigolo just seems to have ruined my appetite!

I do have to wonder about Dumbles motivations for the footrest stunt. Can he have done anything to make Harry less likely to cooperate with him? Either he is really stupid or up to something.


JBern replied:

I am so far behind on my replies it isn't funny.   Enjoyed the interview you had on readcon.   Sorry about ruining your breakfast.   Lie 13 is now up and I can move onto TML 7.



Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 1:59am for And I'm Here to Please

Excellent work. I expect something more to come of the public discussion between Harry and Susan. I should be surprised if it isn't reported to the Daily Prophet. I would also think that Dumbledore outright stating that his office would be empty for a night would be too much of a temptation for Harry. If nothing else, some reconnaissance and revenge.

I would think maintaining this level of anger would be very taxing. I would have a scene where Harry is tired of it all when Hermione comes into his room. He tells her off, telling her he is too tired to hate her for what she did right now and could she just leave him alone. She could fire something back and he would answer that he seems to be the only one actually interested in fighting this war and as soon as it is over, they can all hang, for all he cares.

Thank you for writing.

Mike (MoA)

JBern replied:

You are correct about the level of anger being very taxing.   You are also correct about things probably coming out of the Harry and Susan converstation.  

WIth Lie 13 posted, I am finally back to this and will get TML 7 out asap.   Hope all is well with you.~Jim

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 1:49am for And I'm Here to Please

The adventures of "Wrong Way" Rubeus and Hack the Troll Gigolo.

That is a story all in itself!

JBern replied:

It would be a disturbing story.   Sorry for the delay in replying, but on the bright side, Lie 13 is now posted and I'm back to this one.   Look for TML 7 sometime soon.~Jim

Ezra'eil posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 1:44am for And I'm Here to Please

Lovely, can't wait for the next chapter, I really wanna see what's gonna happen with all the people expecting him to do all the work...

JBern replied:

Thanks for the review.   I'm back to this story now, so look for an update shortly.~Jim

Miles Hance posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 1:33am for And I'm Here to Please

although i wish this chapter was longer, i'm glad to see you back in fighting form.

snap is as always, a pleasant chap. but seriously, he is quite a tool in the power games of dumbledore and voldemort. the sad thing is that he hasn't made any true gains for himself. he's in a shitty job, his life is on the line, and whatever pride he may have has slowly become arrogance. he needs to be taken down a few more pegs. perhaps death?

dumbledore shows his true colors in this chapter as well. no stupid doublespeak, but straight and to the point. but then again, dumbledore has not admitted his mistakes, he has just said that he has made them. that is not much of a concession. perhaps he he could have at least told harry honestly that he fucked up when it came to him, harry might be more conducive to working with him?

a thought....

but then again, the old man turning harry into a footrest doesn't help either. i get the feeling that harry never wants to be put in a position where others hold a significant amount of power over him again. dumbledore will surely regret his heavy handedness at some point. perhaps when the final battle comes, harry will let riddle tire himself out by killing dumbledore, and then come in for an easy kill?

one can only hope...

and finally, susan bones. but good old suzie doesn't understand is that amelia bones was on the firing line for riddle for a long time. amelia was a competent witch in charge of the aurors. she was a target. granted, her death is still tragic, but shit happens in war. demanding anything of harry, much less to kill riddle, is worthless. susan is no one important to harry. she's another bystander who makes demands of him.

fuck her. perhaps the magical community of britain should be allowed to stew in their own juices and blood for a while?

JBern replied:

First off, thank you for taking the time for a long review and please accept my apologies for the delay in my reply.

With Lie 13 just posted, TML 7 is now on the front burner and has priority.   In this story I want to set the bar really high for the next manipulative Dumbledore story you read.   Just like in Darkness, I tried to give a believable Voldemort who you could see winning.   To another reviewer I pointed out that canon Dumbledore "loved" too much.   Perhaps this one has a "heart of stone".  

I enjoyed using Susan completely opposite of the way I used her in Darkness.   She blames the war for costing her her aunt, her best friend's mother and now her best friend (who is alive, but relocated to America).

Glad you find the story engaging.   I hope this and my other works continue to impress you.~Jim

Greg Johnson posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 1:28am for And I'm Here to Please

Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one. Keep up the good work.

JBern replied:

Glad you liked it.   Sorry for the delay in replying.   TML chapter 7 is now in progress.   Look for it soon.~Jim

CaptainG posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 1:00am for And I'm Here to Please

I'm in two minds at the moment here.

Frankly, it worries me that I'm seeing Harry as a bit of a whiny shit. Which I shouldn't be, because I really didnt see him like that before the break. I understand that you want us to see it from both Harry and Dumbledore's perspective, but I find myself empaphising with Dumbledore as much as I do Harry. Maybe it's because this whole chapter seems to be resolved around Harry whining at people.

I think the antidote is more action. STAT!

JBern replied:

First, thanks for the review.   I don't see it as whining, but borderline lashing out at all those with unrealistic expecations of him.   In Bungle, you saw only through Harry's eyes.   It is still the same in TML, but you also see Harry interacting with people more and you might not like the reflection in the mirror so to speak.

The antidote is more action and that's what's coming up.   With Lie 13 now posted, I'm back to this story.~Jim

morriganscrow posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 12:56am for And I'm Here to Please

What a fun chapter!
Snape, Luna, Susan - three fine scenes, and all adding to the tense atmosphere.
The scene with Hagrid and Hack was totally, disgustingly hilarious!
The footstool scene was curious - what is Dumbles up to? Provoking Harry could have all sorts of consequences, up to and including him simply walking away, once he and Bill work out how to circumvent that oath.
The homunculus is a great idea!
I am all agog to read the next installment of this excellent story!

JBern replied:

Thanks for the review.   Sorry for my delayed reply.   TML 7 is now "in progress" and Lie 13 was just posted.   No rest for the weary.   Glad you enjoyed this chapter and hope that I continue impressing you.~Jim

Viridian posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 12:33am for And I'm Here to Please

Congratulations on making me want to AK Dumbledore.

If his oath is really that loose (paralyzing someone by transfiguring them into furniture is pretty offensive), it makes me question whether it has any effect at all.

JBern replied:

I must be doing my job then if you want to have a go at AD.   There's no long term harm in a few minutes as a footrest - is there?

