Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


Tommy posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 10:00pm

Impressive. :) Though, I'd like you to keep in mind that "money" cannot be written in plural form. In other words, there is no such thing as "monies".

Keep up the good work!

Tommy L.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I have to check into what you say about money and monies, but I thank you for pointing it out.~Jim

Robert Owen posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 6:52pm

Very nice. I know what you've said but I'd love to see a longer story building on what you've laid out here. Personally, I can't stand D/G as a ship but this is an all together different beast and one i'd love to see you explore more in detail at some future date.


JBern replied:

If it happens it'll be a long time coming.   I can't stand that ship either, but I can stomach it more than D/Hr.

Thanks for the review.~Jim

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 5:04pm

Nice little vignette. Without more background, it's hard to they're either IC or OOC.

BTW, it doesn't appear that you've marked this 'completed' either here or on ffn.

Thanks for sharing this with us, and congratulations on your first story sale.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I went back and marked this as complete.     Glad you enjoyed it.   Back to the regular stories now.~Jim

Tanaxanth posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 4:38pm

Interesting... I always figured Ginny as having the Slytherin aspects and the ability to use them.

JBern replied:

I've seen enough mothers at PTA meetings and the Homeowners Association to know how cunning women can be...

Thanks for the review.~Jim

Rexnos posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 4:18pm

Just a thought, but if this is a one shot, change the status to completed if you can. I've read enough of your work to know you don't abandon fics, but it always bothers me when I trip over pieces with great potential that were abandoned without warning.

Personally, I'm of a like mind when it comes to these characters. Draco always seemed like a pathetic excuse for a Slytherin throughout all of cannon (Being all confrontational in nature you know?) and Ginny was a convenient character in book two, a non-factor till the end of book five and then a push-over when Harry decided to go all noble on her.

Regardless of my views though, this piece is well written and thoughtful. It's not particularly to my tastes and I'd personally would have preferred another chapter from either of your fics, but to borrow a thought from Viridian, I don't pay your salary so I'm not about to try and impose a dead line.

Nevertheless, any updates are highly welcome. ^_^


JBern replied:

Had I not signed up for that challenge, I'd be about 1800 words further along on TML, but I did and this was the result.

I went back and marked it as complete.   Thanks for the reminder and for being paitent about the update schedule.~Jim

Peregrine829 posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 3:59pm

Interesting. This reminds me of a quote made by the Joker: "Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?"

JBern replied:

Wow!   Never thought I'd get a Batman reference on this one.   Thanks for the review.~Jim

Killedbykarma posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 12:30pm

Now if that isn't highly amusing I don't know what it.
Well besides your two big fics.
But as one-shots go this is hilarious without any slapstick.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I appreciate it.   I just concentrated on writing a decent scene.   I didn't feel like I could do much with Draco and Ginny.   I'm glad you liked it.~Jim

Cuey posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 12:30pm

Uh, where is the killing and naked Fleur?

Just kidding of course. I thought your idea was well executed, and certainly more believable than the other "scheme fics" where someone (usually Harry or Hermione) plots how to solve every single problem completely and without any drawback.

JBern replied:

Yeah that was the drawback.   I couldn't find a way to work naked Fleur into this one.

My streak is still alive since Harry technically wasn't in this fic.   Thanks for the review.~Jim

joeBob posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 12:06pm

Thanks for posting but this story was not so good as a one-shot.

A rapport for the characters is not built and neither they nor this snippet are particularly engaging. It seems like a lot of context is missing and the drama/plot is muted.

This might make an acceptable filler transition/expository chapter in a larger story, with engagement and a more compelling plot already established.

JBern replied:

I appreciate the honesty.   I wasn't terribly excited about my draw of these two characters and this was what I came up with.

And that's why I don't write Draco and Ginny on a regular basis - or at least in flattering terms.~Jim

Fishburne posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 11:47am

With a rather somber note, and a more serious nature, this fic pleases me.

Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.


JBern replied:

I've got that string cheese and some pepporoni.   That's about it.~Jim

Hagrid posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 11:41am

What evil have yeh done in yer past to draw those two names? What sorta challenge exists in some other dimension so twisted as ter make this situation possible? Ah well, you've done well with the mess yeh've been given. Proves what a good writer yeh are that the entire page isn't just filled with "aarrggg" and "codswollap" over and over again.

JBern replied:

Thanks for the vote of confidence big guy.   I did the best I could with two characters that I don't particularly care for.~Jim

riegert8 posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 11:26am

I thought that this well written chapter, it way to odd to see that Draco & Ginny getting along. I admit normal don't read story's that Draco get along Harry, Hermione or the Weasley's because it too out of character for Draco, beside that his family never got along with cousin the Weasley's. I find it very weird that Draco would check his cousin Ginny.

JBern replied:

I cringed when I received my random draw of Draco and Ginny.   The pairing leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.   Still I figured if I could do anything with a post book 7 fic, I'd done something.~Jim

Bedrup posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 10:54am

Amusing. But I ´m glad to hear you ´re set to continue your other stories.

JBern replied:

I honestly would have preferred working on Turn Me Loose, but I did volunteer for this challenge, so I wrote it despite what I thought of my draw.   Thanks for the review.~Jim

Wolfric posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 10:23am

Mildly amusing; not nearly enough blood shed. Thanks for writing. W.

JBern replied:

It was tempting to write a Draco versus Ginny deathmatch and simply have them both bleeding out in the end...~Jim

Jizzle posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 10:20am

Truly you are some kind of super alchemist, turning shit into gold. Draco, Ginny, and a time somewhere post-crapilogue+your efforts=awesome, somehow. Bravo Jbern, and I look forward to reading more of your stuff.

JBern replied:

So far the reviews are generally running positive.   I must've done something right.   Thanks for your review.~Jim

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 10:11am

Interesting fic here, and enjoyed the small interaction between the characters, something I wish we had in the canon, where there seemed to be lots of words not really telling a lot at times. Concise and fun, and a little different way to look at Ginny and Draco.

JBern replied:

Glad I  could deliver an unexpected take.   For all the words in the books, there isn't alot of character development.   Thanks for the review.~Jim

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 10:01am

Hmm, I think you might be giving Ginny a little too much credit here. I would assume if Draco learned nothing else from his father, it would be how to manipulate the masses from behind the scenes.

Ginny however, aside from being a skilled liar, I doubt she has this sort of finesse in dealing with others.

Thanks for writing,

JBern replied:

Of course by that time Ginny was also a wife and a mother.   I suspect she acquired the skills in manipulation along the way...

Thanks for the review.~Jim

DrT posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 9:42am

Interesting little character study


JBern replied:

Thanks for the review as always.~Jim

liquidfyre posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 9:34am

Very nice and well done.

Now update the main ones or else.

*grins maniacally and pats his "amazing bag o' critters"

JBern replied:

Working on it.~Jim