The Inner Eye of Harry Potter
Flowers for Padma
By JBern
Kairan1979 posted a comment on Monday 15th December 2014 4:56pm for Flowers for Padma
It's a shame it wasn't finished.
I liked your Trewlaney-raised Harry, who rode the giant rooster and used the Blood Quill to defeat Tom Riddle.
I can only imagine his adventures in Sixth and Seventh Years.
20cent posted a comment on Wednesday 8th May 2013 11:31pm for Flowers for Padma
Best HP Fanfic ever ! You chosed such an original angle - divination - and you revisited cleverly this unknown and disregarded field and the Trelawney character. The way you write is really amazing and sets a delighting ambiance to the story. And the way Harry deals with the cannon situation are often clever and hilarious. A giant pet rooster named Colonel Sanders, come on, I almost choked while laughing. A sherry-fozen dementor ! Year of the Cock/Rat ! Where do you find all these ideas !? The scene with the squid is awesome too, and I love the idea of an armed Kreacher enforcing good manners in Sirius' Home. The way you deal with the Horcruxe makes a lot of sense and is really clever. And reading about Luna always makes me smile, and you deal perfectly with her character.
I'd be delighted to read further chapters !
noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 4th January 2012 6:02pm for Flowers for Padma
Hope you will finish this great story.
whitefish066 posted a comment on Sunday 27th March 2011 6:27pm for Flowers for Padma
This is an Awesome story, I love the unique ideal of Harry being a seer; Harry and Luna getting together also increases its stock. You have me constantly laughing as I read. I'll have to check out some of your other stories now.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Thursday 2nd September 2010 5:57am for Flowers for Padma
LOL at Harry being worried about having to buy Padma diamonds. I also loved the way he dreamt the title of her book as a way to identify her.
Kreacher with Dudley's Smeltings stick is a very worrying image, but also very funny.
The finding of Rowena's diadem was great. Loved the love life of the staircases.
Oh good gods, she's possessed by Tom? That's really gross. Loved Luna to the rescue. Poor Padma, but she did rather bring it on herself.
LOL at Luna's "batshit insane" comment. Loved that whole scene. Luna naming her breasts Tweedledum and Tweedledee is just perfect. Great chapter.
LKK posted a comment on Saturday 26th June 2010 1:56am for Flowers for Padma
Well that's quite an unexpected ending. Go Luna! Anyway, it's quite fascinating to see how Harry reacts to all of the canon situations. I loved the delcious irony of naming the giant pet chicken Colonel Sanders >.< I found amusing the 14-year-old Harry's reference to what he did with Lavender, naked frolicking indeed. Love the fic!
The Crow posted a comment on Sunday 21st March 2010 6:11am for Flowers for Padma
Can't say I was a big fan of this at the beginning,
but the the humour in this latest chapter is pretty good.
"Did you hear what they were talking about?" Ron asked lips smacking together and pieces of moist bread rocketing out of his gaping maw.
Keep it up.
0x517A5D posted a comment on Wednesday 17th March 2010 9:50pm for Flowers for Padma
Plus, he generally feels taken for granted
Shouldn't that be 'taken for granite?'
Dracolych69 posted a comment on Sunday 21st February 2010 1:08am for Flowers for Padma
This chapter is a prime example of why I read your work. Always new and interesting directions.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 9:49pm for Flowers for Padma
<chuckle> Yeah, that was a nice homage to "Flowers". This was a fun , yet poignant, chapter. I do hope Padma gets better while also hoping that matters develop famously between Harry & Luna.
Gardengirl posted a comment on Friday 19th February 2010 8:21pm for Flowers for Padma
Hey Jim - I read this a few days ago and promised myself I'd come back to review! While the Padma-as-"Flowers from Algernon"-character was very, very moving, what really stuck with me was the Kreacher-with-Smelting-stick bit. I don't like angst much, and Kreacher whapping misbehaving wizards for not wiping their feet REALLY made me smile. This was a great chapter - it retains its rather tongue-in-cheek character while dealing with hard topics respectfully. Great job!
Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Tuesday 16th February 2010 4:20pm for Flowers for Padma
Another great update! This story is a really fun read I reread everything after you posted this chapter and it was as much fun the second read as the first! Can't wait for more :)
I am excited to see that your working on a sequal to Dead Eye I'm gonna have to look up ConCarolinas to see how much longer I have to wait.
WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Monday 15th February 2010 5:32pm for Flowers for Padma
That last line is so cute!
And Auntie Sybill still sleeps in his bedroom? Poor, poor Harry.
-xxx- Malou
rune1806 posted a comment on Sunday 14th February 2010 11:40am for Flowers for Padma
A house elf with a stick teaching the redheads manners was very funny, as was Umbitch. I enjoyed how you slowly made Padma into Voldie and liked the goodbye on the tower, very well done. Is it had to write H.P. without anyone dieing and no naked Fleur for you?? lol
luckykas posted a comment on Saturday 13th February 2010 3:15pm for Flowers for Padma
Another great chapter... Loved the part about Kreacher with the stick. Ron being well mannered in eating was hilarious. That one exchange conveyed the sincerity of Kreacher's efforts more than any number of paragraphs you could have written on the matter.
Why would Sirius not get his home cleaned properly now that he is cleared by law? With so many horcruxes destroyed already I am very curious about what will happen in the next chapters.
A bit of a bittersweet ending to this year. Looking forward to updates to your fics as well as Dead Eye sequel.
gadriam posted a comment on Saturday 13th February 2010 6:01am for Flowers for Padma
Brilliant, and the mild homage came through just fine. Now i have to find that one in English, though.
I enjoy Harry's peculiar innocence. You make the best plot twists out there and certainly the best corruptions. Padma, her response to her elevation, her fall from grace to heights unimagined was brilliant. Her response and description of the loss of elevation was chilling.
The little details you gave about the Centaurs made the whole race somewhat more real, and the punishment of Umbridge was highly credible. I have read of similar hazings among "primitive" human tribes.
Luna? The very "hands-on" seduction looked very odd which i guess is just in character. Her names for her bodyparts was fantastic. Considering the literary origin, i expect an oyster-eating rhyme in the future...
joeBob posted a comment on Saturday 13th February 2010 5:36am for Flowers for Padma
Haven't reread the chapter yet. This is just a note that the email alerts from FFA don't seem to be working (didn't get notice of this chapter).
Might pester Tim about that.
Bedrup posted a comment on Friday 12th February 2010 8:05pm for Flowers for Padma
You ´re always a treat to read. Getting through other stories is often like wading in mud. Yove got to push and puash to get anywhere. I ´m just sort of sailing your updates. Thanks.
Wolfric posted a comment on Friday 12th February 2010 7:28pm for Flowers for Padma
Great chapter. I've always liked Luna. Thanks for writing. W.
Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Friday 24th July 2015 11:07am for Flowers for Padma