The Lie I've Lived
Censure and Sensibility
By JBern
Bocephus posted a comment on Friday 7th December 2007 7:03am for Censure and Sensibility
Really like Harry and Hat's attitude in this one. Too few stories have Harry with the "I'm the baddest mamajama on the block" attitude.
Well, maybe there are a few, but you pull it off so well.
JBern replied:
More attitude coming next chapter before the end of the month.~Jim
mnaecb posted a comment on Thursday 6th December 2007 8:11am for Censure and Sensibility
Hey, this is Teks.
The expressions "tear into x person" you used jumped at me on this chapter, as you used it then followed in a later paragraph with "ripped" and tear later on. Somehow their use caught my attention more of the transpiring events among those lines.
"I think it’s easy to see who the real Hogwarts champion is."
In highschool I had a friend who used to instigate fights with my own circle of friends, he used to twist anything we said and pitted us against each other, it was great. That line reminded me how useful and disadvantageous is it to have those people around.
What I would like to see is Dan Rather and the Hat in a sitcom with Paris Hilton. (I know, I surprise myself with what I think sometimes)
Erick C.
JBern replied:
That would be a strange sitcom. Maybe Hack could be their bumbling doorman/next door neighbor?
Thanks for the review.~Jim
Ltank687 posted a comment on Monday 3rd December 2007 6:41pm for Censure and Sensibility
awesome, my favorite story, please continue (and i'm extremely excited about the Spring Leagues and Harry flying against other players who he doesn't just trounce!)
JBern replied:
Well, he'll be playing in the spring leagues in his 5th year. The tournament has squashed any ideas that the GM of Puddlemer might have had about a 4th year exemption.~Jim
Pointer posted a comment on Monday 3rd December 2007 1:48am for Censure and Sensibility
I don't always read author notes. In fact, I usually skim them, at best. On the other hand I hardly noticed the name bit with Ginny. So many people get it wrong its barely noteworthy. Except...not you. So, I checked. You've got a nice eye for detail.
This is one of those stories I read because of who wrote it not because of the summary. I didn't particularly care for the premise and had to work my way past the first bits until I got used to the idea.
That said it gets better and better. I don't know where you got some of the insults for the hat and don't want to either. I'd likely have used the thing for a firestarter by now. It works in the story, though.
Need to clone yourself so you can work on more stories at once.
JBern replied:
Then my wife would be mumbling about 2 lazy so and sos not doing enough around the house. Glad the story is growing on you.~Jim
Demoth posted a comment on Sunday 2nd December 2007 3:36pm for Censure and Sensibility
So glad that you are back to writing this story, thought you had abandoned it. Its actually the first of your stories that I read and now I have read 2 others of yours and love them.
Absolutely love The Hat
The entire story is great, I have read so many stories with time travel redo's and harry suddenly getting 10x stronger and knowing millions of spells instantly that it is great to see a fresh idea. Changing the tasks and interactions will make this a very interesting story to read.
JBern replied:
No, I just had to put this one on the back burner while I finished TFtCD. Glad you enjoy this one. Next chapter due out before Xmas.~Jim
Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Sunday 2nd December 2007 3:28pm for Censure and Sensibility
just finished rereading this whole story and I still love the hat's comments. This story is good all the way around I can't wait to see the tasks on the tournament. this would be alonger review but i'm scratching it out on my pocket pc while my laptop is down.
thx Rob
JBern replied:
Sorry to hear about the laptop. I hope it's up soon. Thanks for the review.~Jim
kensai posted a comment on Sunday 2nd December 2007 3:05pm for Censure and Sensibility
simply dammed good, the hat made me write that.
JBern replied:
Thank you. Next chapter out before Xmas.~Jim
jeromeallen posted a comment on Sunday 2nd December 2007 10:44am for Censure and Sensibility
While many say that there is no Fluer/Harry in this chapter, i disagree. It's longterm ground-laying rather than one chapter strangers-to-eternal-love that crappy stories sport. It is very telling that Beaucourt says "You said he was rude to you so that means he must not even be in puberty yet!"
If every other male has always turned into a gibbering baboon around her, and he doesn't, then when HJ proves that he is action to match his talk, i could see Fluer respecting him. And the fact that he could give her a meaningful conversation instead of drooling and neanderthal behavior; and there is potential for romance, I would guess at the end of the tournament, or even after that. If, of course, she gets past the 'i have boobs, worship me!' phase. I bet the Veela allure prolongs that stage of emotional development, being as it is so reinforced-even into adulthood for a Veela.
That said, HJ's problems seem to be coming from all sides. Gotta sympathize with the dude/kid, since he's basically got no one to get any kind of help from. On the other hand, the fact that he is racking up enemies left and right is partially his own fault.
JBern replied:
It's tough for HJ. Most people believe just because they were a teenager means they can understand what it's like to be one. The good old times weren't always so good and all that jazz.
I'm going to take HJ and Fleur slowly. Hopefully, they will progress at a realistic pace.~Jim
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Sunday 2nd December 2007 2:50am for Censure and Sensibility
Well I can see a few avenues for Harry/Fleur to happen, but the most likely I can see happening is Fleur being handed some serious humble pie with a nice humiliating defeat and realizing that indeed the universe does not revolve around her or her French sensisiblities. As a culture they are rather proud for a people that has been whipped so much over the years, aren't they?
Of course, seeing the death of another champion could settle the matter just as easily for Fleur, at that point HJ's attitude would seem more attractive to her. Of course, despite everything James lived through, a bit of maturity would not be a bad thing for him either. He lashes out far too easily, and while he has learned restraint to an extent, being a punching dummy to the twins doesn't seem to really fit his modus operandi either. I get the feeling the James side of HJ wasn't the most mature, rather his maturity comes from seeing the world burn around him as it did the first time around.
I have a feeling the tournament will be a growing experience for HJ as much as anyone else. Having knowledge and the ability to deal with it are two different things.
Thanks for writing,
JBern replied:
Thanks for the long review. You make excellent points about HJ and Fleur what may happen is a combination of the two, but I'm not spilling any spoilers right now.~Jim
rune1806 posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 11:15pm for Censure and Sensibility
i liked the ending with the map, keeps the reader twisting and wanting more.the boils on the snake was too funny good job. but the hat as his adivisor is over the top but why not it is your story right? loved rita's story, and the censur i have never seen that before. great job but where is the blood? lol
JBern replied:
I don't have to have blood and guts in every one of my stories! At least not yet.~Jim
NuvaChaos posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 12:10pm for Censure and Sensibility
Great story, and great chapter. Good luck with the rest of your writing.
JBern replied:
Thanks. Glad you like it. Next chapter due out before Xmas.~Jim
Banner posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 9:33am for Censure and Sensibility
I just reread this chapter, and I noticed something that I missed on the first read through: in that last scene, Moody certainly acted like a top-ranked Auror with a particular hate on for a Dark family member. I can't really remember much about GoF, but this scene certainly rang true to me...
JBern replied:
Well, Crouch Jr would have a bit of harbored resentment towards the families that bought their way out of Azkaban. He also has a deep hatred for Igor who sold him out.~Jim
psianogen posted a comment on Friday 30th November 2007 7:01pm for Censure and Sensibility
And you continue to write better Harry Potter fic than JKR did the original. One of the things I love about your work is you point out all the little things that just don't add up in the books, then use that to tell a more believeable version.
JBern replied:
Thank you very much for the compliment. Glad you enjoy the story so much. Next chapter out before Xmas.~Jim
biged78 posted a comment on Friday 30th November 2007 6:55pm for Censure and Sensibility
I will continue to read as long as you post.
JBern replied:
Jimbocous posted a comment on Friday 30th November 2007 5:27pm for Censure and Sensibility
Good grins, and an interesting twist of a storyline. As for the hat, what can I say. Does the Wizarding world use hatpins? Making the Bloodd Baron a Potter was a nice twist as well. Good stuff; looking forward to more.
JBern replied:
Hatpins? Interesting. I'll have to keep that in mind.~Jim
Seasle posted a comment on Friday 30th November 2007 12:40pm for Censure and Sensibility
Very nice. I had given up on this before, but I think I'll keep it now, as least, i will if you can tell me who Harry's paired with.
Now, one thing I have to say, I read all of this, and thought, 'Where is Sirius?'.
So, what happened to him? Wouldn't he send at least one owl to the person he thinks is Harry?
JBern replied:
HJ and Fleur eventually. They have to get over the small fact that he is a "leetle boy" and she is a "Pampered Tart of a Princess". Sirius is on the run from the Ministry, but he will be appearing in chapter 9.~Jim
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 30th November 2007 11:34am for Censure and Sensibility
Yep, I'm well and truly sucked back in.
And how about some truly heinous fate for a certain reporter?
JBern replied:
Who Katie Couric? :-)
MagyarEagle posted a comment on Friday 30th November 2007 8:49am for Censure and Sensibility
An excellent chapter. Very enjoyable. Great work, and I can't wait for more.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the review. Next chapter due out before Xmas.~Jim
Banner posted a comment on Friday 30th November 2007 7:36am for Censure and Sensibility
That was great! You do a wonderful job of reminding us why we hate Skeeter. I really really enjoy watching James's influence on Harry - they are forming a strong merged personality, with the best features of both man and boy. (And the Hat gets more fun all the time!)
JBern replied:
Thanks for the review and the comments on DLP (assuming you are the same Banner). Glad my story continues to impress you.~Jim
that1 posted a comment on Saturday 8th December 2007 9:09pm for Censure and Sensibility
JBern replied: