Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


Nial posted a comment on Sunday 7th January 2007 6:08am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

A nasty part of me would like someone to shovel up all the bits of Snape, put them in a sack and send them to Voldemort. As a response to his message to Lavender...

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I start laying out chapter 29 tomorrow.   I don't picture Lavender as being that bold, but you never know. ~Jim

Wolfric posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 5:43pm for Reflections of Anger and Madness

I do like it. I am avidly awaiting further Installments. Thank you for your efforts. W

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I start laying out chapter 29 tomorrow.~Jim

jamesf posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 3:58pm for Reflections of Anger and Madness

I love this fanfic and you do a very good with it. It is very interesting and I look forward to the next chapter.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I start work on chapter 29 probably tomorrow. ~Jim

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 12:51pm for Reflections of Anger and Madness

I loved Bill's revenge. The "quiet" ones can be dangerous; personally, though, I don't blame him a bit for what he did, the bint deserved it.

I rather enjoyed Voldie's reaction to finding the bad side of his link to Harry.

I definitely wonder what choices Draco will make now that he's in a YOYO (You're On Your Own) state. I can't see him ever becoming friendly with Harry, but I can see him refusing to become a DE after reckoning the costs.

Finally, Harry's reaction to what he did and the steps Susan took to break him out of his inward and downward spiral ring quite true.

JBern replied:

Why is it always Harry seeing the downside of a mental link?   It should run both ways.   I've been waiting to write that Bill scene for about 2 months now.   With Kokopelli and the rest of my helpers assistance it turned out really nicely.  

We'll see how Draco turns out.   I don't care for a redeemed Draco, so don't worry about thay.

Thanks for complimenting me on the realism of the Susan and Harry interaction.~Jim

koppe posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 12:14pm for Reflections of Anger and Madness

A new Potter on the way? Great! Looking forward to more.
Harry and Voldemort keep hammering away at eachothers people, don't they...
Would Fleur's death -- by Harry's hand -- perhaps be a reason to bring in Gabrielle?
Keep up the good work.

JBern replied:

If the Delacours are smart they will keep Gabby in France.   We'll see if their smart.   Thanks for the review.~Jim

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 10:15am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

I love what Bill did that was a perfect way to kill the girl who made everything happen. woops Susan is going to have a baby, that will deffently get Harry fixed.

Great Chapter.
Thanks for writing

JBern replied:

Well you are in the military (as was I), does a pregnancy always fix everything?   Maybe, but not necessarily.   Thanks for the review.~Jim

Crys posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 9:19am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

[quietly admiring] Damn, Bill.

Good description of the action from that quarter, though.

Filius was at 12GP and then later at Hogsmeade? Damn that little guy gets around. And we now have another name to add to the list of "faced LV and lived to tell the tale".

Interesting choice Draco has. We'll see how that turns out.

Susan smacking Hermione around sounds cruel, but what she's saying makes perfect sense. Tonks lashed out at her in anger. Hermione wants to apologize to Harry, but he needs to get his head put back together before he can interact with anyone again.

*wince* Ignoring Susan may be a logical reaction of yours, Harry, but it ain't gonna help in the long run.

> Vampire Coedus might, but Susan was leery of letting the two of them to talk privately.
*think* Yeowch. Very insightful, Susan.

Hmm. Interesting way to shock him back into living.

Now to figure out what it means when each of them saw a different color.

JBern replied:

Thanks as always.   Flitwick went with Bill to Hogsmeade first and then they and Tonks went to #12.   It was part of the distorted timeline that Kokopelli recomended that I ditch before publishing.   I elected to 'do it my way' knowing that it might be confusing.

Draco should be interesting.   Normally, he's just a pathetic distraction.   The only time he has any critical thinking skills is when he becomes redeemed!Draco.   I don't want to write that, so I'll have to settle for making him interesting.   Let me know if I pull it off.

Susan did what she needed to do.   I love Hermione as a character, but I seem to be very tough on her.

One can only imagine what a conversation between Coedus and a manic depressive Harry would have been like.   Susan imagined it and didn't like what she imagined - smart girl.

No real secret - Susan called the test too early, she's pregnant much to both of their surprise.


slickrcbd posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 8:46am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

I don't understand why Bill would obliviate Aimee if he was going to kill her. After all, dead [wo]men tell no tales. I can't see this as necessary unless you're either going to let her survive, or turn into an undead mummy.

Other than that nit-pick, well done.

JBern replied:

I'm going to cheat and copy and paste my response from a previous response.   Thanks for the review though.   This just saves on the typing.    ~Jim

If you require a reason for Bill's actions.   He arrives questions her unter Veritaserum and then obliviates her so she won't be able to tell the Ministry what she told Bill.   While he is digesting the fact that this low level DE engineered this whole plot, he changes his mind and decides to kill her the most disgusting way he can think of.   He had planned to just turn her over and collect a reward.   Since he changed his mind after he obliviates her, he feels justified in explaining what is happening to her. posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 8:18am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

AWESOME CHAPTER!!!! Yep definitely a crowd pleaser. I can't wait to see what happens next. Its about time that all the sex Susan and Harry have been having turned into something. I hope that the child turns out to be a boy. I think Harry and Susan having a baby boy would help them the most, or better yet twins, 1 boy and 1 girl and he can name them James and Lily. Ok I know its cliche to do that but you know he would because his parents are dead and what better way to pay them the ultimate respect by naming your children after them. DO keep up the outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)

JBern replied:

What about Susan's lost relatives?   Harry might offer to let Susan pick the name because he knows that Susan is more vested in their relationship.   Thanks for the reviews as always.~Jim

PerfesserN posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 7:43am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

And so the littlest Potter is introduced. Will that make things better - or worse for the angsty teen who lived; again.
Tune in again next week
For the thrilling continuance.

JBern replied:

It should probably be in 2 weeks for chapter 29.   I start laying it out tomorrow.   Thanks for the reveiw.~Jim

Quizer posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 7:30am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

Crowd pleaser, huh? I personally have to disagree. The whole guilt trip and 'I'm going to turn into a monster' shtick is so overdone that no matter your skill, even you can't make it anything other than tedious.

The part from Draco's point of view was interesting. He's at a crossroads now, and it'll be interesting to see which path he chooses.

The first part with Bill confused me. Why exactly did Bill obliviate her, then tell her everything that happened? Just as a plot device so you could tell everything to the audience? I don't think that worked well; The effect is not so good as to excuse senseless actions taken by your characters.

I've grown to like 'Bungle in the Jungle' a whole lot more than this story. The needless destruction and deaths of characters is not fun nor exciting to read. Random and needless tragedy might be a defining character of war, but I primarily read fiction for enjoyment, so this is directly counterproductive to my efforts. Nevertheless, I will probably continue reading this story, but I will avoid placing too much emotional investment in it.


JBern replied:

First, thank you for the long and critical review.   I do appreciate the criticsm.   In this case, I disagree about Harry's withdrawl.   In many fics, he does that the moment he kills his first Joe Deatheater (usually Flint or Higgs - poor guys).   In this one he has been able to kill even in cold blood and not just nameless people either.   He had no problems justifying it to Rita in the news article about the raids a few chapters ago.   However, with Snape's killing, Harry knows he crossed a line that he shouldn't have crossed.   He knows he can snap now.   It should have an effect on him.

I am still working with how I want Draco to particpate in the story.   He needs to be interesting.

The first part was a plot device.   You may have disapproved, but others seem to have enjoyed it.   However, if you require a reason for Bill's actions.   He arrives questions her unter Veritaserum and then obliviates her so she won't be able to tell the Ministry what she told Bill.   While he is digesting the fact that this low level DE engineered this whole plot, he changes his mind and decides to kill her the most disgusting way he can think of.   He had planned to just turn her over and collect a reward.   Since he changed his mind after he obliviates her, he feels justified in explaining what is happening to her.

Glad you enjoy Bungle, hope you continue to follow both of my stories and thanks again for your thoughts.~Jim


Charles Slone posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 6:44am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

ohh next generation of Potters are on thier way *does the happy dance* nice chapter my friend

JBern replied:

Well it's probably not the best of times for it to happen to Susan and Harry, but they'll get by.   Thank you for the review.~Jim

ZanyMuggle posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 6:38am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

Oh wow. As if the Aimee/Bill seen wasn't enough, the aftermath scene was infinitely more thought-provoking, as well as angsty-but-not-maudlin. Wow.

So... since Susan saw blue and Harry saw pink, does that mean *he's* pregnant?

JBern replied:

Glad you liked it.   Nope, just Susan.   She called the result just a bit too soon.   No MPREG for Harry.   I've never quite understood that topic and quite frankly don't wanna.~Jim

Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 6:21am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

Someone needed to talk some sense into Harry. I'm glad that Susan is making the effort.

I don't think Harry would be a murderer for killing Snape or Voldemort. Snape was an evil, vindictive person. Voldemort should not be considered a human. He may assume a human shape, but to me he is no human.

I really like your story so far.

JBern replied:

Thank you.   From Harry's pov it is tough.   He knows he crossed a line.   He knows it could happen again.   The title of the story is not just about the external war he is fighting, but the one within as well.~Jim

gadriam posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 5:55am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

And so, making his descent from Mount Vicious down into the Valley of Despair marched our hero, along the path well marked by his own feet, and with persistantly new scenery to behold which, of course, he didn't.
This time it seems only Harry worries about his sanity.
Tonks on a rampage turned out to be really funny, and ColdRageBill was a thing of greatness but the winner of this chapter's MVP goes to .... MOLLY!
Gotta love her.
Thanx a bunch.


JBern replied:

It was tempting to call the chapter Two Mummies, but it would have tipped my hand on Susan.   Might have been a bit macabre for Aimee though.   Glad you appreciated Molly actually landing a curse on Voldy.   See the author notes for my joke on that.   Thanks again for all the kind words.~Jim

Asad posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 5:50am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

Ooooh! Dirty tactic.. and it backfired... LOL!!!

JBern replied:

It was tempting to call the chapter Two Mummies.   It would have tipped the hand about Susan, but I don't think too many people would have figured out Aimee.~Jim

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 5:40am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

I liked Bill's rambling 'explanation' at the beginning. I figured out who he was talking to only a couple lines before it was revealed.

Not sure where you're going with Draco--I just hope the little ferret doesn't end up becoming a major character--unless it's as a dead character. :-)

Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

JBern replied:

Glad you liked the Bill scene.   I've been waiting to write that one for about 2 months now.   It just seemed so sinister along the lines of the great ones like Poe or Lovecraft.   Maybe one day I can approach their talent.

Draco, well let's just wait and see.   There's a good chance just about any character in this story will end up a dead character.~Jim

duke_bonez posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 5:14am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

That reminds me - Vindictive Bill! But I've just watched too many movies where you leave the hero, or the villain alive but with an impending and inescapable death and they come back badder (though in the case of bad guys uglier) than ever. And while having a deranged, partially mummified murderess running around could prove interesting - it's also my greatest fear for this story. You've done such a wonderful job with the realism (of what is essentially an unreal story) that I have an irrational fear of movieness creeping in.

JBern replied:

Nah.   Aimee is a goner.   I was tempted to call the chapter Two Mummies, but that would have tipped my hand about Susan.   Though I think people would have appreciated the macbre sense of humor.~Jim

duke_bonez posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 5:05am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

Nice. Good progression from pissed Bill on a vengeance run to Susan and the Infirmary - I wonder what George and Tonks were screaming about, how are the rest of the Weasleys taking Ginny's situation and Harry anyway? - to Voldemort raising hell (it's a damn pleasure to actually see a diversion that doesn't magically disappear as soon as the main attack happens) to Draco and his reaction (I wonder which path he'll take, will he bow down to Voldemort? turn away and flee? be forced to take up the fight?) to Harry's aftermath and a Baby. I wonder what's comming next? What's Victor Krum up to these days? For that matter what about Pansy? Will she turn Draco over to the Dark Lord or try and help him or ...
Weee! So many things to wonder about. Great chapter.

JBern replied:

Actually it was Fred and Tonks.   George is pushing up daisies.   Glad you like seeing the drama unfold.   Makes you wonder what old Pansy will do when she gets that letter.~Jim

mjc posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 4:54am for Reflections of Anger and Madness

The horror, the shame...the utter humiliation...

Voldemort cursed by Molly Weasley!

I nearly fell off my chair!

Wow! This chapter was packed with stuff...breakdowns, blow ups and babies!

And a Thinking!Draco? Umm...what is that? Something new that crawled out of the sewers? It is nice to see...he is in Slytherin for a reason and not because it is the house of utter bastards (though, it does have its fair share). Can't wait to see how that plays out.

And finally, Harry spills it...his great fear. He's afraid he is becoming what he is fighting, and it scares him shitless. Good thing he is bonding to a 'Puff....she'll put his head on straight, I hope.

JBern replied:

Molly getting a lucky shot in on Voldy was my favorite part of the chapter.   I'm still working on what I want from Draco Malfoy.   Don't get your redmeption hopes up to high.   I don't do that....
