The Lie I've Lived
Code of the Marauders
By JBern
The Crow posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 12:40am for Code of the Marauders
Even for some twenty something(HJ) and 17 year old conversing I find them to speak rather - beyond their years, or just oddly on occasion.
A little formal, but open and frank and quite suave from both sides.
I could so easily imagine James Bond and some femme fatale in their shoes.
"I changed my mind. Fortunately, I don't fall to pieces around her and have that luxury."
"Yes, but why Monsieur Bond ? Because of your friend?"
JBern dialogues is certainly it's own thing.
But no real complaints, I enjoy the verbal sparring as much as the physical.
I never hit my growth spurt till 14 but damn Jim, Harry seems so runty, I picture him to be rather short of stature, I s'pose he'll be looking up at Aimee? XD.
Meh, he needs some limitations I s'pose...
But hey, that's why there's a sequel right?
More Lie, Okay with me.
Congrats on the pro sales man, and the baby girl.
If all goes well you may be able to stay at home with the baby and a pen while us suckers leave for work.
Cheers man.
JBern replied:
Good review. Sorry I've been so far behind. There will be a sequel to Lie. Lie will end somewhere around chapter 24 or 25. I'll take a few months of and then start the sequel.~Jim
Riven posted a comment on Tuesday 26th August 2008 5:40am for Code of the Marauders
Awesome, cant wait for the next chapter.
please hurry with the next update.
JBern replied:
Thanks. Sorry for the long delayed reply. Hope you liked chapter 16.~Jim
CosmosGravitation posted a comment on Tuesday 26th August 2008 4:55am for Code of the Marauders
I'm sure you must be getting tired of hearing this, but it's good, as usual.
Noticed Fleur was against the idea of asking Bill to the dance, so Harry's gambit seems like it paid off to some degree. Wonder how upset Bill is and if he traced it back to Harry.
Fleur is going to be pissed when she finds out Harry is Pronghorn. I'm cringing already.
Harry's flirting fairly heavy with Aimee? Thought he might have decided not to pursue her at all when he found out she had a boy friend, even with the dance. Guess she hasn't exactly shot Harry down completely and it sounds like she's not too happy with her boyfriend, so can't blame him too much.
Nice that Harry got his ass kicked in staff duels. Nobody wins them all.
Wasn't made clear which characters were in the tent with Harry when he was being questioned. The other champions? Scrimgeour? Seems like some sort of official from the Ministry would be there. I'm wondering if there's a chance someone will try to have them shipped off to Azkaban. I'm sure there will be be big waves either way.
I noticed on the DLP people were tossing out suggestions for the title of the sequel. If you want to stick with the "I've Lived" moniker you could substitute a synonym for Lie. Such as "The Deception I've Lived", or "The Illusion I've Lived." My examples don't have quite the same meaning or "umph" of "Lie", so maybe you won't want to switch it around. Either way, I'm sure you'll come up with something... you're the writer.
Congrats on the sale and progeny, looking forward to the next installment.
JBern replied:
Hope chapter 16 cleared all this up. I'm finally going back after roughly 9 weeks and answering all my reviews. Thanks a bunch for all of yours.~Jim
Nexus posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 11:34pm for Code of the Marauders
You once again proved why this is the only fic that I am still reading after giving up fanfiction.
JBern replied:
Well hopefully you came back for chapter 16. Thanks for the review.~Jim
lol posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 9:32pm for Code of the Marauders
JBern replied:
Thanks. Will update as fast as practical.~Jim
loadmeup posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 5:13pm for Code of the Marauders
onds to finish the course. I smile and watch the overall leader board change as Potter replaces Delacour at the top spot. All that's left is the verification under truth serum and I'll collect my slightly used pen
Wasn't Aimee the leader until then. There you say that Delacour (Fleur) is the leader and he replaces.
JBern replied:
I meant overall leader in the competition. Thanks for the review sorry for the 9 weeks in between your review and my reply.~Jim
Jimbocous posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 4:41pm for Code of the Marauders
Let the storm commence indeed :)
JBern replied:
Mark Blaine posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 12:12pm for Code of the Marauders
Good work. I really want to see Dumble's reaction to this.
JBern replied:
Thanks. Sorry for the long delayed reply. Hope you liked chapter 16.~Jim
Darryn posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 9:43am for Code of the Marauders
Spectacular Chapter! & Congrats on the Daughter
JBern replied:
Thanks. Sorry for the long delayed reply. Hope you liked chapter 16.~Jim
DvorakQ posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 8:20am for Code of the Marauders
Gratz to both you and your wife on the new baby. Color me surprised that Amelia managed to get the sack, I thought for sure that she had too much dirt on the rest of the ministry to go quietly.
As usual, I'm looking forward to the resulting chaos from your cliffie. Your... evil cliffies that make me come back for more
JBern replied:
Thanks. Sorry for the long delayed reply. Hope you liked chapter 16.~Jim
Ravenclawchaser68 posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 5:29am for Code of the Marauders
Fantastic chapter! Great dialogue, and the creativity of your action sequences continues to impress. I do worry a little at the way HJ is accumulating enemies so rapidly, but if that's what needs to happen for him to face a believable challenge, that's fine. Congratulations on selling another piece of work, and thanks for writing this!
P.S. I imagine your betas will catch it, but I noticed that geist is spelled giest about half the time throughout the chapter
JBern replied:
Thanks. Sorry for the long delayed reply. Hope you liked chapter 16. Enemy accumulation can be a very bad thing indeed.~Jim
Anthony May posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 5:26am for Code of the Marauders
Oh how absolutely delightful! I love the story even the vulgar and filthy language from hat is surprisingly beneficial to your whole creation. Can't wait for the next update - JBern Rocks!!!!!
JBern replied:
Almost caught up with all those overdue replies. Thanks for your review.~Jim
Crys posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 4:18am for Code of the Marauders
Nicollete . . . Fun how you're trading characters back and forth between stories.
> When they do try to eat something healthy, like fish,
Shades of "Hope"?
> "Maybe I should just take you, Monsieur Pronghorn. You are, by far, the noblest creature I have encountered."
> Okay, she's hot again.
*choking, hysterical laughter*
> "It understands you?" Charlie asks as she pats me on my head.
> "Yes. I would venture that he is more intelligent than either of you two
I love this arrogant French witch.
Damn, Mr. Pronghorn is going to be hunted.
> Invisibility cloaks — they're dead useful. Thank goodness I sort of gave myself one.
*snort* That is a wonderful line, Jim.
> Invisibility cloaks apparently don't fool a poltergeist. See, I learned something new today.
"I've learned something today. Can I go home now?"
I understand that the staff duel was because it's an "old, honorable" tradition, but it almost got in the way in this story. Still, it gave a few nice scenes with Ollie and Nev.
> "Fear me now, bitches! After a thousand years, I'm walking on my own!"
Inconspicuous as always, Hat.
> We both turn as Athena starts her run. She uses some little charm to temporarily turn her into a bird.
She turns into a bird without her wand?
Liked the Puzzle Room. I suppose it could've been more in-depth, but that really wasn't necessary. Couple clever ideas, though, with the golem as a shield and Cedric's crossbow.
JBern replied:
Still catching up on reviews. I'm glad you caught the nod to Tim's story. As always, I strive to impress and having other writers that I respect take time out of their writing to comment on my work is always appreciated.~Jim
uthamm posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 4:14am for Code of the Marauders
Nice. I like Harry getting worked in the Staff Duels - nobody is great at everything. The imagery of the Amiee/Fluer arguement is great, you had me going with the Harry-becomes-dragon-food scene - thought the game was up! Not to mention that you threw me off with the veritiserum scene. For some reason, I figured that would be when HJ was revealed . .
Great chapter! Love the marauder spirit, but using the "code of the maraders" . . will Remus make an appearance now?
JBern replied:
Sometime between now and the end of Lie, we'll see Remus.~Jim
SerendipitousNightcrawler posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 2:18am for Code of the Marauders
Thoroughly enjoying the story, despite your penchant for cliffhangers. I love your depiction of so many of the characters and the depth that you give them no matter how trivial to the plot they may seem.
I am curious, last chapter Fleur made her case that Harry stepped forward before the dementors were released, but I went back and couldn't find him doing that; was she just being noble, an accidental omission or me being blind?
Thanks and I look forward to the next chapter.
JBern replied:
Thanks. Sorry for the long delayed reply. Hope you liked chapter 16. Glad that you appreciate the depth I give the characters. Fleur knew she stepped backward and HJ did move forward slightly.~Jim
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 2:11am for Code of the Marauders
Opps, forgot to wish you well with the new little one. Kiss your sleep goodbye!
Tom A.
Father of 3, but several of them are grown up now.
JBern replied:
Thanks. The new one is a handful, which explains the 9 week delay in my reply.~Jim
Bob Joyce posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 1:39am for Code of the Marauders
I stayed up to read it. My hightest compliment.
JBern replied:
Thanks. Sorry for the long delayed reply. Hope you liked chapter 16.~Jim
squiddy posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 12:25am for Code of the Marauders
I hate you. I really do... Nice chapter but your cliffhangers are extremely annoying. Loved the pace of the action on this one and I can't wait 'til Fleur finds out about the pronghorn. It'll really hit the fan then.
Keep up the good work and hopefully we'll see more of this before September is up and done.
JBern replied:
Well, I didn't exactly make September now did I? Sorry for the lengthy delay for this reply.~Jim
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 12:20am for Code of the Marauders
Oh, man! What an ending! Shit storm, indeed!
Really, really looking forward to the next chapter.
The rest of the chapter was good, too. Loved Fleur's "unnatural love." LOL.
He,he, and Harry won the pensieve. Glad. Too bad about the staff contest, but I'm glad he isn't Super!Harry.
Thanks for the story!
Tom A.
JBern replied:
The home stretch of my review backlog! Hurray. Thanks for yours.~Jim
darthme1011 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:09pm for Code of the Marauders
JBern replied: