By JBern
TheHard posted a comment on Friday 27th February 2009 3:15pm
At last, some H/F action... and the kissing scenes are good too ;)
But, this quote make may day
"Or I could strike a deal with Skeeter and let her do all the writing and collect a percentage. The stories I could tell. You might be on to something, HJ."
Thanks for sharing! :)
JBern replied:
Yeah, Rita and the Hat would be a fiercesome combo. More coming soon. Don't forget to check out Horror, Humor, and Heroes on Amazon. Details at
typa posted a comment on Friday 27th February 2009 8:58am
Yes! Finally! I'm sure that Harry and Fleur's new relationship will be rather complicated, and I look forward to seeing it. Glad to see more of this story, as usual. :)
JBern replied:
Wait until he tells her that he's mentally in his 20s. Next chapter coming soon. My story collection is available at Amazon. Details at
Alex Mcpherson posted a comment on Thursday 26th February 2009 11:44pm
halfway through this chapter, reading for 2nd time.
I highly suggest you (or any other reader here) never try to read stuff like this when someone pisses you off, especially during the Tantor bit - gives thoughts of buying real rhino for a demolition job. Not to mention, ruining the mood of the fic, -happened with a few others, i can't read them again (or continue the good ones that I stopped reading) because i always remember why i stopped reading when i go to read again.
JBern replied:
Hopefully, you can continue reading. Hey, you know what! You could also try reading my orginial short story collection. Since it's a book, you'll have to read it at home and no one will kill the mood. Details at
WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Thursday 26th February 2009 9:52am
Je l'aime cette histoire! I am in suspended animation until the next chapter arrives. That is a lie, so please update quickly!
-xxx- Malou
JBern replied:
Next chapter should be in 10 days.~Jim
ps - details about my book at
Melissa posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 2:28pm
Love it, can't wait for the next chapter. This is a version of Harry I could easily get addicted to.
JBern replied:
It'll be about 10 days for the next chapter.~Jim
Until then, you can think about my short story collection available on Amazon. Details at
CosmosGravitation posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 12:17pm
Good chapter, as always.
I wonder if Harry has just upgraded the thorn in his side from the twins to Bill.
I had a feeling you'd pick Alice based on a quote from one of my favorite authors. To paraphrase, he said, "so long as it makes sense from a character and logic standpoint, do whatever makes life more difficult for the main character." Alice coming back instead of Frank creates an entire new conflict with Neville's grandmother.
Good way for Fleur and Harry to finally get together. First time I've seen the pairing done realistically, good job. The payoff was worth it. I thought she'd be more upset about the entire animagus thing.
I'm not really a fan of short stories so I'm only putting it on my birthday list. Someone will get it for me, but it will be a couple of months. I plan to get Deadeye whenever it comes out.
As always, looking forward to the next chapter of The Lie I've Lived. Since you seem to have the momentum, I'd vote to go ahead and keep working on this over Turn Me Loose.
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliments. HJ may have to deal with Bill. I actually went back and forth between Frank and Alice. What tipped me in Alice's favor was that with Sirius, Remus, and Dumbledore, I already have plenty of HJ dynamic with older male figures. Frank would just be a repeat of more. Alice on the other hand....
PS - Book! Available! Amazon! Buy! Details!!
Dakaath@TTH posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 11:36am
Sorry I haven't reviewed before now, I should have since I've been reading since you started this story. Looking at my pitful review to hit count ratio made me realize just how important they are. So onto the review...
You have a unique writing style that stands out, making the story enjoyable to read. Your plot is amazing, full of twists and turns, and is as completely unique as your writing style, full of orignal and thoughtful details. Your idea of a cursing, ditry-minded Sorting Hat was the first of its kind. The way you bring your characters to life is wonderful, you make them seem as real as you or I.
I look forward to your next chapter and when your book becomes availible on the Kindle.
JBern replied:
The book was just submitted to Kindle. It should be "live" and available for download in 12-72 hours for the bargain price of $7.
Thanks for the review.~Jim
Edit - Kindle version
Amazon is already discounting it to $5.60.
Taegeous posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 11:10am
Great chapter. Disappointed that we didn't see the twins getting a good beating, but they are aren't really central to the story. And you more than made up for it with the ghost fight. Very good point about the ghosts dying during horrible and violent times. In all truthfulness, would anyone really want to meet a ghost?
JBern replied:
Glad you liked the ghost fight. I wanted to make it memorable.
My book details on
LifeScientist posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 10:55am
Great job as always. I really liked how you moved H and F's relationship forward, giving it time to grow and finding a way to advance things that was reasonable given their experiences so far in the tournament.
Looking forward to the rest of this and definitely agree with your current prioritization scheme.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the compliments. Next chapter in about 10 days.
Book details at
Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 9:06am
Thanks for smacking Victor down. At least as far as the TWT goes.
I'm sure Victor will try to paint Harry and Fleur in a bad light regarding the bet. Easy out: "We made an honorable bet. Once he began to act dishonorably (uninviting McG, going for psychological torture against Fleur) about it, he relinquished the right to get our cooperation."
Why didn't Harry or Fleur spike the food with emetics? Or something even worse?
Hmm. Killing the Geist. Interesting move. Also shows an unexplored side of the resident ghosts.
Ah, and finally the realistic possibility of H/F comes out.
JBern replied:
Glad you enjoyed it. I'm thinking of doing a Fall of House Usher on the DS boat. We'll see how it goes.
You and me need to talk about Zombies sometime soon.~Jim
Anthony May posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 8:28am
You are truly a Master and a Genius writer and story teller - your fight scenes really set the standard and your imagination obviously knows no bounds. The development of the relationship between Harry and Fleur is perfect. I am never disappointed and can't wait for the next update.
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliments. Next chapter in about 10 days.~Jim
My book details on
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 7:57am
Another great chapter, I have really enjoyed the plot of this story. This has become my favorite story you have written.
Thanks for writing
JBern replied:
Glad you liked it. If you try my book, and I hope you do, let me know what you think of Lieutenant Armchair.
Next chapter in 10 days.~Jim
keebler_elmo posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 7:38am
Congrats on the story collection! This was an excellent chapter. In particular, I loved the conflict with the Poltergeist and I really reallyl hope that he somehow brings it up to Krum or Karkov about how he destroyed it. Great stuff and keep up the good work..
JBern replied:
Considering how attached the Geist was to the DS ship, I'm thinking of doing a Fall of House Usher riff on it. Next chapter in 10 days.
Book details on
Magnificent the Destroyer Lord posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 6:33am
Great story as always - when in April will the E-book version be available? Are the spells (i.e. spirit shackles) considered "Necromancy" (death magic) or "ectomancy" (spirit magic)?
Thanks, by the way, for the connection to Meteoric Shipyards on; seeing the "rhinomagus" wasn't quite as enjoyable as the scenes in "Out of Africa"... *snickers* On Tantor!!! *rides off on rhino*
JBern replied:
E-Book available no later than April 1st. It will probalby be on and
Glad you enjoyed Luna's Hubby. Next chapter of this in about 10 days.~Jim
Muad'Dib posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 3:05am
Ta tata ta ta taaaaa!
There we are, good things come to those who are patient! An excellent chapter as usual, mate. Unexpectedly early for an update but all the better.
Please do us Brits a huge favour; if HJ ever gets right pissed off at Fleur, which is bound to happen with their tempers, have him use some proper Cockney. Maybe write her a little Valentine's note in Cockney Rhyming Slang. If that doesn't do her head in, haha...
I have been a fan of your writing for a very long time now and will most definitely visit Amazon in the nearby future.
As for bribes, none will be needed. However, I do look forward to your interpretation of Harry the Seer! Do you have a timetable on that one? From the sound of it, it will trump The Hat in the funny department. No pressure of course.
Cheers mate
You've got a 'Fluer' at the end of the chapter, right after the snog, erm sorry about that, kiss.
JBern replied:
I don't know if I can do Cockney Rhyming Slang, but I'm sure HJ will get in a few good natured jabs at Fleur. Hope you get my book and enjoy it. If shipping is too expensive, I'll have an e-book available soon. Just want to make certain that those that order the book have a chance to receive it.~Jim
Ph34r_n0_3V1L posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2009 1:34am
Awesome Chapter.
I can't wait to see the fall out for Durmstrang over the fact that their geist tried to off the people ahead of Vikki in the tournament.
JBern replied:
Wait until I do a Fall of House Usher on the DS ship since the Geist is gone...
skulLXeon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 7:08pm
I have to say.... two days late as i am... that this chapter is filled with awesomesauce! And, damn if i kinda saw the dead geist coming... =) awesome job this chapter.... see you at either TML or the next Lie.... =)
JBern replied:
Hopefully I have more awesomesauce on order. Next chapter coming in about 10 days.~Jim
Book details on
whatareyouevensaying posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 2:34pm
I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but I got out of the habit of leaving reviews on this site, possibly the place most deserving of a huge number of reviews.
This story, like your others, ranks in the highest echelon of fanfiction in my mind. Your ideas and execution (as well as the help from the AFC) are beyond superb. This story, in particular, blew all other AU fourth year stories out of the water.
Another huge positive, of course, is the way you manage to show us a side of every character that we hardly ever (or never) see. And everyone develops along with the story.
Now, I'll attempt to tell you what I'm looking forward to the most in future chapters:
1. Bill's comeuppance, whether it lasts a paragraph or half of a chapter.
2. The next task (which Harry might no longer be a shoe-in to win).
3. Well...more next time.
Looking forward to more.
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliments on my plot and characterization. I'll do my best to give you more entertainment in roughly 10 days.~Jim
Meanwhile I have a book out. Haven't you heard? Details on
scaryisntit posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 2:11pm
Nice to see quite a few minor plot points brought back and ended in what was probably the best chapter so far. The fight with the Hogwarts Ghosts (nice touch with Myrtle coming in) and the Giest was fantastic, and definitely a new sight for me. It wasn't quite how I pictured Fleur finding out about HJs Animagus form, but it worked.
I liked the tidbit about Fleur wondering if she was going to fast for HJ. Made me chuckle to myself.
As always, stellar writing. You kept me hooked from beginning to end.
Oh, and while I like TML, I concur that Lie is currently the more interesting one. If you have the momentum on Lie, there's no point in forcing TML to work for you.
Regardless, I'm looking forward to either of your updates.
JBern replied:
Glad I could keep you guessing. Thanks for the review. Next chapter in roughly 10 days.~Jim
Concealed Convict posted a comment on Saturday 28th February 2009 1:36am
JBern replied: