By JBern
Sect posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 12:09pm
Great chapter. Like the reviewer before me, I was also surprised that the ghosts were able to destroy the Geist; however, it's not unreasonable, and makes sense considering that very few things can permamently harm a ghost in HP (as explained by Nick, who can only be decaptiated by a ghost). In any case, it was an awesome way for them to defeat the Geist, and I have a newfound appreciation for Binns (though, that will likely change the next time he instructs).
It should be interesting to see the events of the next day: Harry's and Fleur's relationship (might) become public, Harry doing the challenge with a fractured leg (though it shouldn't be too bad, since it's only teleporting darts), the fallout from the Geist's death... The reactions from people who find out that Harry and Fleur are, for the most part, steady should be interesting (Ginny, Melinda, and the tabloids mostly).
Hm. I wonder how Gabby'll react when she finds out about Monsieur Pronghorn...
JBern replied:
You'll see what happens in about 10 days. I'm thinking Fall of House Usher for the DS ship.
Gabby and Monsieur P? That should be interesting.
Book details on
Cuey posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 11:14am
Wow, that was pretty soon for another update, not that I'm complaining. My book is supposed to arrive tomorrow but I am pretty busy on Wednesdays, so hopefully I can finish it on Thursday and get a review up on Amazon.
On to the actual review: Probably my favorite thing about your writing as a whole is that there is the degree of originality in there. Even if something has been done before, you generally manage to take it in an unexpected way. Case in point, HJ presumably funding WWW but this time due to blackmail rather than out of generosity. Semi-jerky twins is very refreshing to read.
So it was Alice who received the elixir? I assume we will be seeing more developing there, that should prove interesting. Especially if HJ has to slap some sense into Augusta.
I thought HJ handled serving duties about as well as anyone could be expected to. I don't know what you have in mind for HJ's revenge for Krum or what else the spyfly will uncover but I expect it to be good.
It is interesting that the Ghosts could actually kill the 'Geist, although I suppose even in canon Peeves was afraid of the Baron. There will undoubtedly be some backlash from that.
A lot to look forward to next chapter, I've been waiting to see how you would do the apparition/target shooting contest for a while now.
JBern replied:
Review as soon as you can. I need all the help I can get.
Thank you for the compliments on the chapter. I'll have another in about 10 days. I'm glad you appreciate the twist on the twins getting money.
Matthew Sands posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 10:41am
So, do you prefer understatement, or over-effusive gushing when people complement your work?
Option 1: Nice(alternatively, Well Done.)
Option 2: Hoy crap that was seven shades of awesome! We're not worthy! We're not worthy!
I have to say, I was wondering how you were going to plausibly get Harry to reveal his form without Fleur acquiring a tasteful assortment of intestine themed garters afterwards. Not if, but how, and you did not disappoint in that regard.
Is the assorted cast of pests going to wise up sometime before their otherwise inevitable demises?
JBern replied:
Option 3 - Jim, I loved it so much I'm going to to find out how to buy your collection...
Thanks for the review. I'll have another chapter in 10 days.~Jim
midevildle posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 10:32am
I don't normally review (to my shame), but I do enjoy everything you've written that I've read.
So I will be getting your short story collection, I did just purchase a Kindle though so I'll wait for that version. Keep us updated on your releases.
JBern replied:
That's the link for the Kindle version. I priced it at $7, but Amazon is discounting it to $5.60. I hope you enjoy.~Jim
Bedrup posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 10:19am
Great. Just great. Like the new byplay with an informed Dumbledore. How come this isn ´t up on yet?
JBern replied:
Something was wrong with I finally got it up there. Glad you liked it.~Jim
MOD posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 10:00am
Brilliant as always, JBern! You are a brilliant writer :)
JBern replied:
Thanks for the compliments. I'll have another chapter in about 10 days.~Jim
PS - book details at
Militis posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 9:38am
Awesome! This story just keeps getting better and better. I can't wait for the next chapter!
When your short story collection is release in e-book format, I'll probably buy it. I don't know what Kindle is, and I don't think it works in Linux anyway.
JBern replied:
Ebook format by April 1st. Kindle is Amazon's wireless book reader. I want to make certain that those who buy the books, have a chance to receive them.~Jim
Immortalitis posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 9:26am
Excellent! Truly excellent!
And yes! Some fleur/ harry action! AT LAST!
The Geist was a fascinating battle. Really, really well done :D
JBern replied:
Glad you liked it. More coming soon - about 10 days.~Jim
Wolf550e posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 8:20am
"during the tournament then it does with" - than
"I was always resented" - grammar
"I've all but run Snape out of this school" - ran
"and, frankly, I what I" - extra I
So Harry planned to lure the geist out of the ship? How will he duel with a broken knee? Great action, BTW! I'm not so sure about the romance though. The ball scene was better, IMO.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the grammar corrections. HJ didn't plan to lure the Geist off the boat, but he was prepared for the eventuality.~Jim
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 8:17am
The fight with the giest was good. Will Karkaroff blame Krumm for the missing demon?
Interesting fallout on the amulet. Wonder if it will be a problem for Harry to fix.
Unique in fanfiction - Harry running low on money! That might have implications, too.
Not sure if the broken leg will hurt him in the next event. I can see Krumm getting pissed and trying to hex Harry off a high platform. Cheating has always been part of the tournament, you know.
And finally - Alice. Yea! I'm glad she's starting to get better. And an interesting idea - to reverse engineer the elixer of life. It was created over six hundred years ago. Potion theory and practice has advanced a little in the intervening time.
Thanks for a wonderful story!
Tom A.
JBern replied:
Wait until I do the Fall of House Usher on the DS ship. HJ will have to do some serious work to sanctify the grotto. Yeah, HJ has a credit crunch at the moment (sounds hauntingly familiar).
Next chapter in 10 days. Details on my book at
baumgal2 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 7:53am
Thanks for the update, I found it to be very enjoyable!
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliment. More coming soon.~Jim
Shepherd posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 7:28am
An excellent chapter with a few great plot developments. Nice to see the Harry/Fleur relationship developing while getting an update on the Longbottom situation and learning about the next task. The fallout of the destruction of the Durmstrang Geist should also be interesting.
JBern replied:
Hope that I can continue to impress you with this story. Naturally, I need to plug my book. (
Next chapter in about 10 days.~Jim
Lathena posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 7:19am
Excellent chapter. They finally kissed! several times. And now Harry has fewer secrets from her so increased chance of repeat.
I always enjoy the insults and Krum was a fool to believe HJ would take anything lying down.
The battle with geist was great too. I love your smart and powerful, but not superpowered-and-unstopable Harry. That would get boring. research, allies, and a clear head make for a much more entertaining read.
I can't wait for more!
JBern replied:
Thank yo for the compliments. Hopefully, I can continue to impress you. I'll have my next opportunity to do that in about 10 days.
Meanwhile you can check out my book. Details at :-)
coolboy55 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 7:10am
I love this story. This chapter was awesome. I wish I had your gift for comedy. Thank you for getting the bet out of the way cuz I was worried you were going to have some really angsty cliff hanger chapter where Harry is in deep trouble without it being resolved in that chapter. I love how you are finally getting Harry and Fleur together for real. Please have Harry off Voldy in this story. Please don't wait for the sequel. With your talent you shouldn't have to much trouble coming up with many humorous, non-angsty, action packed material for the sequel. I look forward to more exciting chapters of this fic.
JBern replied:
I haven't even had Voldy recreated yet and you're wanting me to off him? Sadly, that's going to wait until the sequel.
Next chapter in about 10 days.~Jim
DvorakQ posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 7:05am
Further bribes? Yay! HHH should be arriving today (hurrah for amazon prime), keep us readers updated on Dead Eye!
This chapter in particular re-affirms my partiality of this fic above all others. I definitely would encourage you to put TML(which I think is excellent, but at the moment doesn not have me on tenterhooks) on a short hiatus and continue to focus on this series if at all possible. The H/F interaction was topnotch, even better executed than my expectations. The ghost scenes were superb, I especially like your bloody baron. He exudes a sense of gravitas that makes me hope that HJ will be able to redeem his forefather. Binns was particularly amusing, I'm actually sorta suprised that he would be lucid enough to be present for the geist.
All in all, I really really appreciate your efforts and hope that when you do make it big, you'll continue to make a little room for us online readers.
JBern replied:
Thanks again for the review of HHH. Next chapter in 10 days. Hopefully, it will impress you just as much.~Jim
riegert8 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 5:55am
interesting chapter
JBern replied:
Thanks. Next chapter in 10 days.~Jim
Zicou posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 5:44am
Too great! I can't wait to see the Durmstang reaction (and krum's one) when harry is going to tell them!
That was an other awesome one so ...
JBern replied:
I'll tttttttttttttttttttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SerendipitousNightcrawler posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 5:43am
Wonderful chapter. Thanks for finally telling us who Harry gave the elixir to as well as not making it a "quick fix".
I was surprised to see Draco there after receiving the Mark and whatnot. Krum may be scum, but he's plenty media savvy and I find it hard to imagine that he'd want to have Draco's reputation within the same walls as him if he could avoid it. McGonagall was less of a surprise, though I agree with Harry that Snape or Karkaroff must have had something to do with that as I don't think she's that gullible.
That said, I think that the rest of the evening was magnificently done and the pronghorn was very apropos to Krum's style.
I also have to say that I feel like the Hat is nearing the point where Harry or DD is going to have to knock him down a few pegs pretty soon. Seems like his new body has gone to non-existent head more than a tad. And that would be a confrontation I would love to see.
Thoroughly enjoying the story, I can't wait for the next installment.
JBern replied:
Krum was also looking for any edge to get under HJ's skin. Since there was no press, there was no risk, or at least Krum thinks that....
I don't believe in instant fixes even with magic.
Next chapter in about 10 days.~Jim
DiscountNinja posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 5:24am
YES! :D Woo! :D Great going JBern! :D this is perhaps one of the best chapters yet :D also, I loved the last scene - we get some kick-ass bits with the ghosts (much under used characters as you've just proved :D), followed by some lovin' :D
I gotta' say, that scene was perfect :D I find so many wirters, when they get down to that crucial scene, really can't do it - they just can't pull it off. In this case, my worries are completely put aside :D it was a shock, but a fantastic one :D and, more importantly, it was bloody fantastic :D the tone of that scene felt just right considering the rest of the story - not overly romantic, and set to a background of difficulty, but sweet and fun all the same :D
JBern replied:
Well I have to credit AFC for helping me out here and making the scene as good as it was.
Next chapter in 10 days. Meanwhile, go check out my book! Book details on
msgupy posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 12:17pm
JBern replied: