By JBern
Alex Mcpherson posted a comment on Monday 23rd February 2009 12:54pm
Brilliant Chapter!
Now a short thing for your book, Horror, Humor and Heroes:
I'm in the UK, and It's not on, how'd I go about getting it?
JBern replied:
Thanks. As for HHH, you'll have to see how much shipping from is. It's probably more expensive, but they may still have the supersaver for international orders, but may require you to buy more than $25.
I'll have a kindle version out soon and an e-book version in mid-April.
Quizer posted a comment on Sunday 22nd February 2009 9:34am
Actually, the rhino thing was a great idea that makes this chapter that much more awesome. It was badass - I think it worked really well.
The reinterpretation of the lake task was a good one, and like you said, after all the shit that has already hit the fan in this tournament, nobody was going to agree to be a hostage in the lake anyway.
I also like the interaction with Hermione in this chapter. That section at the end where they banter while making it through the course was one of the most enjoyable parts of this chapter.
Keep going like this, you're doing a bang-up job here!
JBern replied:
Glad you enjoyed it. Next chapter coming in about 10 minutes...
warpwizard posted a comment on Saturday 21st February 2009 7:32pm
Good stuff.
JBern replied:
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 21st February 2009 4:20pm
Great chapter, excellent challenge. And nice to see that you can have a Hermione that's still a friend and useful. :-)
Bit mean to cliff-hang on the which Longbottom question and then not answer it, though.
JBern replied:
It will be answered in a few minutes.~Jim
DrT posted a comment on Saturday 21st February 2009 6:09am
RE: your
'PS - Now for shameless promo time!'
Glad to order it. I'll be sure to let you know when my monograph on CP Snow comes out later this year ;-)
JBern replied:
Not sure what I'd do with one, but I'll be happy to take a look. :-)
token posted a comment on Friday 20th February 2009 7:18pm
Fantastic. Can't wait for the next chapter.
JBern replied:
It'll be up by next weekend.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Addlcove posted a comment on Thursday 19th February 2009 3:50am
another brilliant chapter that had me in stitches, keep up the good work
JBern replied:
Thank you. Lie 20 is almost complete and should be ready by the middle of next week.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Lathena posted a comment on Tuesday 17th February 2009 10:12pm
Your challenges are always fantastic. I liked the rhino and Hermione helping out. It's good to see HJ actually win a challenge.
Are we going to find out if he helped Frank or Alice and Neville's reactions anytime soon?
JBern replied:
Lie 20 will answer the Longbottom question. Look for it by midweek.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 17th February 2009 2:27pm
*Laughs* I love this chapter and the "fun" of this challenge. I rather like Harry's approach and, obviously, using a rhinoceros has its place as a tactic.
JBern replied:
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for this and all your previous reviews.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage. Kindle version to be released soon. E-book version in 6 weeks.
morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 17th February 2009 1:44am
Tantor/Treetor was excellent, as was the entirety of this chapter. All in all a much better task, and a clear challenge.
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliments. Next chapter within 7 days.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage. Kindle version to be released soon. E-book version in 6 weeks.
joeBob posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 11:44pm
Gonna leave us hanging on that cliff? You bastard! ;-) Who got the elixir?
Other than that, excellent chapter. Loved the task, loved the dialog.
"Spackled the gargoyle's ass shut"?!
Bah, that stuff has no strength; one good fart and Mr. Winky breathes again!
You didn't say who Krum's hostage was, it was Ron, wasn't it? :)
Loved the gag with Hermione and the saddle.
JBern replied:
Well, it wasn't like the gargoyle's butt is functional. I think it was more the point of it. Chapter 20 will answer the Longbottom question and it's coming soon.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage. Kindle version to be released soon. E-book version in 6 weeks.
WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 8:55pm
We still don't know who Harry chose to save with the elixir. That's evil! Nonetheless, this was still a brilliant chapter, I want to play a game of Donkey Kong, now!
-xxx- Malou
JBern replied:
Chapter 20 will answer that question.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Jay-F posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 6:44pm
Loved Hermione here. Will be good fun to see the other champions respond to Harry's rhino charge victory. The potion bit and the advantage of haveing two magical cores was interesting as well, i hope Fleur finishes second to demonstrate how much of a difference that would make.
Thanks for writing,
JBern replied:
Fleur does finish 2nd. Next chapter coming shortly.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 3:00pm
Yeah! Perfect! I loved it, well done. Who got the potion?
JBern replied:
Find out next chapter - next weekend.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Banner posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 2:51pm
That was brilliant. From the Task to the characterizations to Harry's performance, this was perfect.
JBern replied:
Thank you for this and your other reviews. Next chapter by next weekend.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Kronkk posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 12:50pm
Awesome chapter! This fic is so satisfying in the complex and unique ways you find to use magic, but that seems to be your hallmark, J. Thanks for the superb update!
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliments. Glad you enjoyed it.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 8:54am
Wow! Thanks for the mention!
Great chapter. Yes, this was much more exciting than the regular water event. But excitement is what we've come to expect from your stories.
Hermione's comments and help were great; very in character for the brightest witch. HJ does have a tendency to brute force his way through.
Punching "Voldemort." Preview to something we'll see at the end?
Thanks for the story. Excellent as usual.
(Did notice one "you're" that should have been "your".)
Tom A.
JBern replied:
Was happy to mention you. Hope your story got some increased traffic out of it.
I've got another chapter almost ready. It'll be out soon.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
runnerman87 posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 5:51am
It's not really very nice to end the last chapter with a cliffhanger and then not resolve it. I hope you'll eventually tell us which of the Longbottoms Harry chose and what happens to them.
JBern replied:
It will be answered in chapter 20 which is coming soon.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 5:32am
Great chapter, as usual. So glad I'm up to date with these now. I still need to catch up on TML but I will get to that soon enough.
Now that I have tirelessly and doggedly caught up on your magnificent fanfic and reviewed like a good little fan I'm going to moan!
Its only a little moan but why didn't you resolve the flamel elixir thing with the Longbottoms? Thats just evil!
Have to love the rhino idea, so completely random. Really liked that Hermione thought he would transfigure her and HJ gets out a quip about riding her and near the end of the task she has that great headline about mounting a champion and riding potter to victory. Superb, absolutely superb.
I love your take on the tasks as they work wonderfully well.
Can't wait for more, thanks for writing.
JBern replied:
Thanks for catching up. The answer to the elixir is coming next chapter.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Alex00 posted a comment on Monday 23rd February 2009 3:16pm
JBern replied: