By JBern
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 4:58am
Well, Tantor was a hit with me, and really liked the byplay between Harry and Hermione there, and could imagine the two of them being together after everything is said and done if things didn't work out with Fleur. Going to be curious to see what happens next, and glad to see that you did so much more with the 2nd task than usual.
JBern replied:
Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying it so much. Next chapter within 7 days.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 4:51am
WoW Another great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next. Harry and Hermione riding a charging rhino through the traps is just inspired.
JBern replied:
Thanks. Glad you liked it.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Zicou posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 4:26am
Aaargh you can't stop now, it's too great!
I love the harry's way to do things in this tournament ! Continuuuuuuue!
JBern replied:
I have to stop every now and then. Gotta eat and pay the bills.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
uthamm posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 2:43am
WOOT! Awesome update! 'Granger mounts champion . . ' where do you come up with this stuff?
Very nice. Relying on Allies, demonstration of power, wit and skill. I like this Harry.
JBern replied:
Glad you liked it. If I told you where I came up with it, that wouldn't be fair would it? Ignore the members of AFC behind the curtain...
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
KDDR22 posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 1:09am
Great entertainment Thanks David
JBern replied:
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. Next chapter coming within 7 days.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
SerendipitousNightcrawler posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 11:45pm
What evilness. You tease us for a month and a half over which Longbottom he tried to save and still won't tell us. That's just mean.
Great story here. It's the only Harry Potter I'm actively reading anymore. I love the imagination behind each task and the banter amongst everybody, especially Harry and Hermione, showing that their friendship wasn't just a juvenile convenience. It continues to amaze me how well you both stay true to characters while expanding and evolving them at the same time. Fantastic.
JBern replied:
It'll be resolved by this time next week. Glad the use of Hermione in this story meets your approval. More coming soon.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Rexnos posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 7:04pm
Hehe, Rhino... That was freaking awesome. Too bad Rhinos tend to trample people who ride them in real life... It'd be awesome to ride about a ton of muscle through a few boulders.
Anyway, fun chapter, can't wait for the next.
JBern replied:
Yeah, I've seen some pretty cool youtube videos of rhinos charging. Next chapter by next weekend.~JIm
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
stgilman10 posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 6:14pm
Great use of the canon water task to do something totally different. The water part lasted what, a paragraph? The real task was the obstacle course, and that was a lot better than canon. The Harry/Hermione dynamic is great, and some of their dialogue rivaled the Hat at its best.
I sure am glad that if this website has to have only one of the authors that I read updating his stories, it's you. I think that Lie is better than Loose, but they're both great and it always makes me smile when you jump to the front of the updated list.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the compliments. I'll do my best to keep a smile on your face.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
coolboy55 posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 4:42pm
This is a pretty awesome story so far. I love how you have maintained a close H/Hr friendship even if it isn't the ship. I never looked what the ship for this story is listed as but if it's a H/Fleur ship it is a pretty good one but I hope it heats up soon. I love the humor in this story. I especially love the sorting hat. I look forward to reading more of this story in the future.
JBern replied:
There are some breakthroughs on the Harry/Fleur front next chapter. It'll be up by next weekend.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
TheHard posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 4:40pm
What! They are going to loose?...
I was wondering, why didn't he simply transform in the "pronghorn" and then say that was "Human transfiguration"?
Nice chapter, thanks :)
JBern replied:
That would have just been too obvious. HJ won't be ready to reveal that secret for awhile...or will he...
Sorry, cheap dramatics. Shame on me.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Dellaran posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 3:51pm
"You know something? ‘Granger mounts a champion and rides Potter bareback to victory’ does sound like a smashing headline."
Your Hermione is TEH WIN. :)
JBern replied:
I like a good and sassy Hermione. Guess I'll have to write that H/Hr fic one of these days...~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 3:07pm
Awesome chapter. I loved the suspense during the task, and the Harry/Hermione interaction (I have this hope you'll write a story with Harry/Hermione pairing someday :).
I loved the different strategies that the contestants used, especially Krum using a shortcut and Transfiguring his hostage, that looked just like him.
JBern replied:
I have a H/Hr story on the back burner. Maybe one of these days.
Glad you appreciated the different tactics. Next chapter coming within 7 days.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Anthony May posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 3:02pm
I Love this story and thank you for the update but what happened to the Longbottoms? Who did he choose? Great Story! Keep up the great work!
JBern replied:
The answer is coming in chapter 20, which will be out next week.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 1:42pm
Fantastic new installment - love the rhino!!!
When do we find out what effect, if any, the Elixir has on whichever Longbottom he chose?
Your take on the lake task was fun! I enjoy your iteration of Harry, smashing and bashing his way through whatever annoys him ~
JBern replied:
Glad you liked it. Answers about the Longbottoms next week.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Demoth posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 1:20pm
I just love this story, it isn't just another replay of the same 3 boring three tasks, these are better all around tests of the champions. Hell they would be more entertaining for the crowds too, I never liked the second task in the book, "go jump in a lake" is more an insult than a task and it wasn't like the hostages could ever really be in danger, now if it had been an item or something then ya but...
I have read a couple stories where the tasks were changed but your tasks are by far the most entertaining.
Keep up the great work, this story is my favorite fanfic... I rarely ever read unfinished works because I loose interest or forget what has happened but for this story I will drop whatever I am doing when I see a chapter has come out and I eagerly await the next.
JBern replied:
I agree. Other than the 1st task, what fun were the other two to watch? I'm glad I can keep the entertainment level high.
Next chapter coming within 7 days.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Crys posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 12:38pm
Oh, and I probably should do the obligatory: "Tell us about the Longbottoms!" rant.
Hmm. You know, if he keeps powering through these, they'll tailor the last few to prevent that. Then he'll just have to finesse and completely bamboozle everyone.
JBern replied:
Next chapter is Longbottoms and MORE FLEUR!
Crys posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 12:30pm
Purely out of curiosity, Jim, did you come up with the concept of spackling the gargoyle's ass shut, or did one of your mentally warped readers suggest it?
Good task and good answer from Harry (with his proven brute-force methodology). Nice to see Harry can have some somewhat witty banter with someone other than the Hat.
Looking forward to seeing how everyone else did in the task. Especially the two (or three) who didn't have helpers along. Krum's arrogance needs trimming down.
Thanks for a fun chapter.
JBern replied:
Ass spackling was all me, I'm afraid to say.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Logan_MacLeod posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 12:04pm
on TANTOR!!!!!!
JBern replied:
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Gilthoniel posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 11:59am
Excellent. The whole thing was very enjoyable, but the dialogue of Harry and Hermione was especially good.
JBern replied:
Glad you enjoyed Hermione's role in the chapter.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 4:59am
JBern replied: