By JBern
DiscountNinja posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 10:23am
Awesome :D good stuffs :D I really enjoyed it -I really apprechiate the way Harry has a hard time of thigns in your stories, but part of that is because it just makes it even better when he gets a chapter like this where things go his way and he can just show off :D good stuff me hearty, good stuff :D
JBern replied:
Glad you liked it. Sometimes things just go his way, but other times...
Next chapter within 7 days.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Black Dragon Knight posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 9:58am
The rhino idea was funny. I can just imagine Harry and Hermione charging through everything.
The farther this story goes, the more I wish Book 5 was like this. I also really enjoyed the back and forth between Harry and Hermione, and how well they work together.
Can't wait for the next chapter. Also, congrats on getting more stuff published.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the review. For me book 5 is where the series started to disappoint, hence the reason I write these stories.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Wolf550e posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 7:55am
"One is an intern at the major potion's supply warehouse" - potions
"She gag's a bit" - gags
"You're luck won't last." - Your
"the likes of which I've never scene" - seen
"I don't think can send the rhino through it" - missing pronoun?
Awesome task, though it sounded kinda too easy. I bet he still gets a low score.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the corrections. I'll incorporate them when I get a chance. Next chapter coming shortly.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 7:03am
I enjoyed the chapter. I certainly chuckled about Hermione riding Harry to victory. I thought the rhino was consistant with some of HJ's previous tactics of overpowering the obstacles. All in all a fine effort. Congrtulations on your publishing success. Thanks for writing. W.
JBern replied:
Thanks for all your reviews. ~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
keebler_elmo posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 6:58am
Awesome chapter. I really enjoyed the trial and the solution. I was so disappointed though when i didn't get to see where the others placed and the end result etc. Keep up the good work and know I am really looking forward to the next chapter.
JBern replied:
Thanks. All the results will be able shortly. The next chapter is practically done. I'll have it up by the 28th at the latest.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
HopelessFan posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 6:12am
finally -grins-
Its a good chapter. not as pulse-thumping or touching as the others, but a good mix of action, suspense and drama.
-laughs- a few nice touches like the spackling and Aimee's laughter really kept the feeling of the previous chapters going.
JBern replied:
Glad you liked it.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Shepherd posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 5:21am
Excellent chapter. Nice scene cut between chapters, and it is interesting how Harry's more confident attitude has changed the way that Hermoine relates to him (she'd have never joked that way with him in the canon timeline).
JBern replied:
Well, she's dating the Head Boy and has been in her own "spotlight" in the Knowledge Bowl. She's got some confidence now. Next chapter by the 28th.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
C. Harris posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 5:05am
Wow, that was amazing! I never thought of a rhino before. I really enjoyed your challenge.
JBern replied:
Glad you liked it. More coming soon.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Cuey posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 5:01am
That was a great chapter Jim. Although you only briefly mentioned it, I am guessing that we will be hearing more about the use of the elixir later.
And yes, that was a much better water challenge. Although it is not exactly sporting to add another large part of the challenge out of the water.
JBern replied:
Elixir answers coming next chapter.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage. posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 4:53am
Outstanding chapter!!!! Loved the shout out to Meteroic Shipyards because I love the idea of Harry as a Rhino Animagus!!!! Will Harry have a second form???? I only ask because isn't the Pronghorn related to the Stag that James had and since Harry has James' memories doesn't that mean that the Pronghorn is more James' personality over Harry's???? Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please!!!!:):):):)
JBern replied:
Probably no on the second animagus form. Next chapter by the 28th.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
AgentScorpion posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 4:42am
You persist with your cliffhanger! Damm you!
The 'water' task was very well done and was an excellent part. The rhino was an ignenious solution, and I liked how HJ was one of the few to bother waking his captive - I hope Fluer arrives next!
No bets on what went wrong this time, though I'd be suprised if everything went smoothly!
HJ seems overpowered - least compared to everyone else, and I have to suspend my belief that everyone thinks that Harry Potter suddenly became so Uber Powerful - when he is an average student in class before this.
This however, is made up with the fact that the story is so funny, the jabs at fellow fanfiction 'Girl Who Lived' are well placed, and the Hat is a legend.
I hope that HJ shows his true horse colours soon - each task seems to be another way in which being an animagi would be very useful - the dementors and now this.
I await with baited breath for your next installment!
JBern replied:
The answers to the Elixir are coming in the next chapter. I will say that Fleur does come in second.
Why on Earth would you think that things are going to go wrong for HJ?
I'll have the next installment by the 28th.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
cmatbmed posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 4:36am
Great Chapter
I really enjoyed the Harry Hermione dialog. The way that the boggart picked out her fear says a little something about them moving apart.
"Don't worry; I'll just turn myself into a bloody horse," very fun.
Thanks for sharing.
JBern replied:
I enjoyed making Hermione a bit more self assured in this one. Next chapter in 7 days.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 3:08am
Great twist on the second challenge with some well written banter between Harry and Hermione, but it should have been the full challenge. Well done.
JBern replied:
Well technically it was the full chapter. I just didn't show them crossing the finish line.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
fallingmonkey3 posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 2:30am
Very cool. I enjoyed this task a lot more than the original Lake task. The Rhino thing was just cool. Nice job JBern
JBern replied:
Thanks for the compliment. Next chapter up by the 28th.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Magnificent the Destroyer Lord posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 1:45am
*tarzan yell* *smiles crazily* Great as always! I do wish I could have seen the looks on the judges' faces when HJ rode in on "Mini-Tantor"!!! *grins*
Is Meteoric Shipyards on this site or another? (I'd like to see the fic where HP gets a "Mini-Tantor" animagus form!)
Good luck with the original fiction
JBern replied:
It's not on this site, but the title is Luna's Hubby. Next chapter of this story by the 28th.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
matthiasblack posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 1:39am
I like all of the tasks you are coming up with. It is great to see a different view of the competition and it seems as though it is testing them all. I am enjoying your stories and am glad you are keeping up with them. Keep up the good work.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the review. Next chapter by the 28th.
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Kaerion posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 1:04am
I can only bow down in awe of your imagination; this was the best variation on the water task that I've *ever* seen, though that really shouldn't surprise me after seeing what you came up with for the other tasks.
I loved the charging rhino-tactic, and the byplay between Harry and Hermione was just about perfect, I think. You've managed to change them both into fascinating and realistic (as far as the evolution from their canon-selves is concerned) individuals, and while their friendship really can't be compared with canon anymore, it feels both real and good, even if it's obviously different.
All in all, another wonderful chapter, definitely up to your usual standards. Thanks for sharing your amazing writing, and keep up the great work!
JBern replied:
Thanks for the compliments. I like characters who evolve. Hopefully this will continue well into the sequel.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Bedrup posted a comment on Saturday 14th February 2009 11:03pm
Entertaining. I ´m a bit disappointed H didn ´t use his proghorn. I want to see Fleurs reaction. Guess I have something to look forward to.
Why could FD use her broom in the lake and not use it to bypass the forrest?
JBern replied:
The rules prohibited the use of flying devices in that part of the challenge. They didn't think to mention it for the water task and Fleur used that to her advantage. The forest path had to be traversed on foot.
More Fleur coming in the next chapter.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
Ltank687 posted a comment on Saturday 14th February 2009 10:51pm
Love it! thank you again for the amazing update.
JBern replied:
Next chapter by the 28th.~Jim
PS - Now for shameless promo time! I'm also pleased to announce that Horror, Humor, and Heroes is now on sale. Visit and you'll find the Amazon link right on the top of the homepage.
MOD posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 10:50am
JBern replied: