Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


xanos posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 10:49pm

i like it. this is just as good as bungle in the jungle...might even be better if it reach the same lenght! good work!

JBern replied:

It's actually almost as long in word count as Bungle already.   I plan for this one to go to about 25 chapters.   Then, I'll take a few moths off to prepare for the sequel.

Jizzle posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 9:48pm

So incredible. The conversation between Fleur and Harry was filled with great wit, good character development, and some almost painful dramatic irony. "You're too young." Bzzt. Sorry Fleur, care to try again?

And that medical scene? Holy crap. Aimee's injury seemed so sudden, though there was a slight build up of tension. Then it was full on panic mode, and just so cool. Not only was your "magical medicine" spot on perfect, you totally nailed it just as a dramatic medical emergency scene. It made me think of the best frantic emergency moments of, say, House.

Seriously, just an incredible chapter.

JBern replied:

Someone on dlp pointed out the irony that HJ pretty much used the same method of putting off Katie Bell.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed the chapter.   I like it when I try something different and it is well received.~Jim

HopelessFan posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 9:38pm

Very good medical scene :-)
i like your "changing gears" here - its a good author that realizes you need a change of pace now and then.

the switch had me wince. that must be extremely painful (but of course brings up the idea of battlefield uses (switching voldemorts brain with a rock, for one)

JBern replied:

Well there are limitations, such as they had to be able to see the lungs to switch them.   If HJ can see Voldy's brain, the battle's pretty much over.

tim ludvigsen posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 9:28pm

very very good
nicely shows why the tri-wizard tournament
have not been run for over a hundred years.
the contestants can be killed/maimed even if
external forces don't interfiere.

the medical scene: feels like ER or something

JBern replied:

Glad you liked it.   More coming soon.~Jim

Vukk posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 9:03pm

I think he should have conjured or transfigured everything instead of summoning it. While it might have been funnier, it wasn't quite as realistic (yes I know I am talking about imagination and all that) as it would have been.

If the second main task is the water task, and HJP for some reason saves Gabrielle as well, will Fleur consider dating him then...

JBern replied:

If I use the water task, it will be highly modified.   Thanks for the review.~Jim

James13 posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 8:17pm

Nice! I did like the med scene, but why Aimee?

JBern replied:

If I did it to Athena, who'd care?   Krum and people would cheer.   Cedric was a possibility ... though.


rajinrune posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 7:30pm

bwahahaha! this is the best chapter yet! keep them coming!

JBern replied:


heathw posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 5:04pm

Extremely enjoyable chapter. I do like your healing magic twist. My greatest hope is that this will lead us to the introduction of my favorite jbern recurring character: The Necrodragon!

JBern replied:

How about Hat piloting the Necrodragon?   Just kidding.   I don't know about a Necrodragon in this story.

Then again...


Mesterio posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:55pm

I love how you always let a little hint about something that has happened or will happen out right at the end of your chapters. 'rolling stones' indeed.

JBern replied:


crazyP posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:23pm

Great chapter I really liked it!!
I agree with Fluer HJ is too young for her, at least in appearence .
It would be really cool if he became a healer

JBern replied:

HJ has to survive all this, but it might be interesting to see HJ as a healer.

We'll see.~Jim

Secca posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:08pm

Again, another great chapter. In my opinion, your idea on the roots of healing magic not only is a cool idea, it makes sense. Anyone can tell you that someone looking to specialize in causing physical pain needs to understand the body. A procedure used to cause pain, your skin grafting spell, can easily be adapted for a medical use with a little thought. Brilliant idea, strange that it has been thought of before. Thanks again for the chapter and I can't wait till the next one.

JBern replied:

Glad you appreciated the thought that went into the chapter.   Thanks.~Jim

TheHard posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 3:42pm

Everyone's a critic, indeed! nice chapter, it was truly fun to read... and, about the magical "medical" scene, it was really something, so congratulations! :)

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I'm glad you enjoyed it.~Jim

stgilman10 posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 3:08pm

Dumbledore's knowledge of the Rolling Stones and the fact that he deducted a point for a song other than his favorite is wonderfully in character.
You gave an interesting and certainly outside-the-box dragon solution for Harry, and I also applaud you for not making it a winning one in the eyes of the judges. You make your Harry work for his successes.
The only thing I don't like about this story is the Fred and George animosity. I understand your reasoning that Harry is essentially James, who is miles beyond F&G, but it's just disconcerting to see the twins against Harry. Pretty much every fic, including ones that are so far anti-Weasley they're just ridiculous, have the Twins on Harry's side.

JBern replied:

Glad you liked it.   I'm exploring the possibility that James wouldn't have really cared for a bunch of wannabes trying to carry on the Marauder legacy.

Plus, I enjoy being seperate from the crowd and if that means F&G are buttheads who can't take it as well as dish it out - the so be it.

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:43pm

I think the Harry helping Miss Beaucourt, will deffently put him in good with Fleur.

thanks for writing

JBern replied:

Thanks.   Glad you liked it.~Jim

Faceless posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:04pm

I was really surprised by Aimee's tactics. I mean really, the Ron approach? She was asking to be roasted.

I hope she is okay and that the wonders of magic help her to a full recovery. Somehow I think you're going to be a bit cruel though and that she will lose that arm or have some other form of disfigurement.

I just hope Hat doesn't make any inappropriate comments about bacon while Aimee's around.

HJ deserved the win I think. Sure he took a long time but he was never in any danger and the dragon and all her eggs were left unharmed. It was noisy but also (oxymoronically) pretty subtle.

I'm interested to see where the whole romance thing goes from here.

Aimee is going to be incredibly greatful and if her boy doesn't show up (which I'm guessing he won't) then she's also going to be feeling a lot of resentment. There's also the question of how he reacts to any potential disfigurement in the unlikely event that he does turn up.

Fleur is also likely to be mightily impressed by HJ's actions (after she recovers from the distriss that is) but we also have the Animagus bombshell to come.

No doubt Krum is going to insist on payment despite Fleur's emotional termoil. I'm looking forward to seeing how you handle the scene (if you do choose to go down that route).

Keep the updates coming - I love every one of them! :)

JBern replied:

I thought Aimee's tactics were sound - blind it, disorient it with noise, sneak up on it and rope the egg.

Of course full recoveries take time and Aimee has the luxury of withdrawing from the competition, so it will be no surprise that the planned title to chapter 18 is ...And Then There Were Five...


Crys posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 12:39pm

Oh, yeah. And whether Stephan shows up to Aimee's bedside will be important, I bet.

JBern replied:

Yes it will.

Crys posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 12:36pm

Clever use of a Switching Charm. And a great back-story for it, too. You've completely ignored the issues of transplant rejection, though. Though that could just be me being overly picky.

Remus. Hmm. You've just given the Marauder a clue. Though he's currently hurt, it'll start to make him think sooner or later. It's going to start unraveling, at least with him.

As always, entertaining story.

JBern replied:

You're forcing me to say this - it's magic.   It trumps tissue rejection.   Plus the lung will be shuffled back shortly.

Good point about Remus.   We'll see what happens.


vasilis01 posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 12:20pm

The Hat is everything in this story. Excellent update once again. Keep writing.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   Glad you enjoyed it.~Jim

Ltank687 posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 12:18pm


JBern replied:

Thanks.   I'm glad you liked it.~Jim

noylj posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 11:48am

I can see wanting to get in Fleur's pants, but other than that she doesn't seem like much of a prize.
I also can't believe such a time-wasting complicated prank to get the egg. From what you described, Krum actually deserves to have won.
Love the story. Thanks for the update.

JBern replied:

True, Krum deserved to win this one.   HJ fell into a James Potter pitfall - he was trying to amuse himself with his own cleverness.

As for Fleur - James also had a thing for pursuing unattainable witches.