Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


DiscountNinja posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 6:28am

Awesome :D The Dykstra Shuffle thing is easily in my Top 5 JBern moments :D absolutly loved it :D

JBern replied:

I'm curious what the other 4 are?~Jim

Godogma posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 6:08am

Here's hoping Aimee isn't maimed or permanently disfigured - she was quite the lovely character in the fic thus far and I hope she continues to be so after her hopefully fast recovery.

Its quite strange, but it seems anyone HJ likes tends to get the short end of the various sticks in this fic - it causes me to wonder why in particular more or less. He and they rarely seem to get a break.

JBern replied:

The recovery will take time - well into the sequel even with magic.~Jim posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 5:56am

Outstanding chapter!!!! How do you think the medical profession started in the first place?? Doctors will never tell you this but some of what they do now evolved from torture. Anatomy for instance was created by some wacko who liked killing people and taking them apart to see what made humans work and tick. You'll have to excuse the history lesson in the review, I loved the chapter!!!! Will we get to see more of the medical stuff in the next chapter???? Who will Harry end up with at some point???? Will Harry make up with Remus???? Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please!!!!:):):):)

JBern replied:

Glad you liked it and appreciated the take on medical magic.~Jim

DobbyElfLord posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 5:18am

Great chapter! I laughed the whole way through. I really like how much more 'realistic' this Tournement is versus canon.

JBern replied:

Thanks Rick!   I appreciate the compliment.

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 5:11am

People in the magical world have some serious issues with gratitude don't they?

Harry saves her daughter's life and Beuacourt dismisses him and treats him rudely in the process. That characterization might have been a key, concern for an injured child notwithstanding.

Interesting way of dealing with the dragon, of course having headmasters scoring their own students seems to be flawed way of scoring a contest, but then again that's the magical world for you.

I'll be interested to see what Remus' response to Harry's accusation is. Part of him being a man would have been to stand there and take his punishment...of course he ran at the first option, didn't he? It doesn't say much for future prospects in reviving more than the HJ and Sirius era of Marauders.

Just because the sex with Lily had been consensual, doesn't mean HJ doesn't have reason to hold it against Lupin. One doesn't sleep with another man's best friend and expect it to be forgotten, whether the husband and wife are dead or not. Of course, a real man wouldn't stand in front of said best friend's orphaned son and be a raving hypocrite.

This entire chapter seemed to be a study in the ethics, or lack thereof in the vast majority of people living in the Magical world. Its also been noted that logic is bereft in the magical world also, so perhaps magic has a detrimental effect on the higher cognitive functions?

It's disturbing when I count Dumbledore and his nebulous view of the greater good, higher on the ethical compass than 90% of your other characters in this story.

Thanks for writing,

JBern replied:

Thanks for the opinions.   Interesting takes on the ethics of the magical world.       Something to consider is that showing gratitude in this culture might imply weakness - especially when dealing with people from other countries.

Mordre posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:55am

I do hope that Aimee won't be permanently harmed, and Dumbles' final comments (in this chapter) was marvelous! I look forward to another JBern story!

JBern replied:


Shepherd posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:39am

Great chapter. No earthshaking twists, but we got to see some action, some drama, some socialization, and a few lines from the foulmouthed sorting hat.

JBern replied:

Glad you liked it.   Haven't been on Drunkard's Walk in awhile.   Hope all is well.~Jim

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:35am

I really like that Aimee is on Harry's side when it comes to Fleur. It will make it all much easier for him. LOL at Harry being too mature and then immediately counting in Fleur's body as a major factor.

The Hat is as delightfully foul mouthed as ever. I thoroughly enjoy it too. LOL at Neville's question. Love the idea of Harry doing Howlers to the dragon. So funny. I also loved that Harry is going to wear Seamus's Quidditch champion shirt. I love Dumbledore's reasoning for a nine.

The magic is dark and brilliant. It's such a magical way of doing lung transplants. Poor Amy. Excellent chapter. This was so much fun. More please.

JBern replied:

Thanks as always.   Aimee's rehabilitation will be long and continue into the sequel.~Jim

skulLXeon posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:35am

Well, that was majorly funny.... Even if there was a serious section embedded in there... =) Great Job as always, thought i didn't forsee Aimee getting the barbecue treatment... i expected Athena at least... but it was still good... =) And again, you're a master at springing surprises and twists.... =) kick ass job as usual... see you around at the next one... =)

JBern replied:

Athena wouldn't haave carried near the emotional impact as Aimee.   I almost went after Cedric.   Thanks for the review.~Jim

Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:23am

hehehe Loved the scene the the end with dumbledore, fawkes and Harry. The medical scene was great as well wish I had some of those spells and salves to use in the feild. I would question the possibility of infection transmission when swapping out the lungs.

JBern replied:

Let's just assume magic trumps things like that and tissue rejection.   My hat is off to you, since it sounds like you are a first responder.



romero posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:22am

This was interesting and I liked the clever way HJ got the egg from the dragon (Using the Rolling Stones 'Paint It Black' was great). He was robbed of points just like cannon. The medical emergency was realistic and I thought the idea of the lung switch coming from Dark Magic just shows how DM can be useful too. Very nice job as usual.

JBern replied:

Well, they weren't impressed with his use of household magic like Dumbledore was.

Glad you liked it.   More coming soon.~Jim

Wolf550e posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:20am

>>when the time cones to go public<< - comes

>>Let's a healer feel<< - remove the apostrophe

>>before it fully regains conscious<< - consciousness

>>older witches were your more your taste<< - extra "were"

>>Aimee's rational<< - you want "rationale", the noun.

Some good lines. magical ER was good and original.

JBern replied:

Thanks for the error check.~Jim

Cuey posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:20am

Silly me. I somehow thought the Dykstra shuffle was some kind of dance when I read the title. Krum winning the competition and ruining more HJ/Fleur interaction is offset by the irish national team jersey. All in all, a great chapter.

JBern replied:

Glad I can still keep you on your toes.~Jim

grovepjp posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 4:12am


did i have a good laugh.

I have read this one and the other 2 about four times and every time it is as if i find something i missed.

Keep it up.

JBern replied:

Thanks for the compliments.~Jim

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 3:58am

Wow, and awesome chapter filled with one of the most intense versions of the Dragon sequence that I've read of before. I could feel the pain HJ was as well as Aimee's, who he likely does have some feeling for now, and the way he handled himself was brilliant. Looking forward to what will happen next time with them visiting the ship and what this will mean if he meets Giest again, and the follow up with hopeffuly Aimee getting to at least comeback, if unable to compete.

JBern replied:

Thank you for the compliments.   Aimee's rehab will continue into the sequel - not even magic works those level of miracles that quick.~Jim

Banner posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 3:46am

That was heart-pounding. I reread the scene from the moment Aimee entered the ring to the end of the chapter three times. It packs quite a punch.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I'm glad you enjoyed it.~Jim

metrobluejay posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 3:34am

Good chapter again, looking forward to more.

That said I loved the interactions between Harry and Fleur and am going to enjoy what happens when she learns what Harry did for Aimee.

The thing that bugged me though is that you have Krum winning the whole thing. I'm sure that there is a reason for this but meh.

Also are you going to keep the original tasks as they were? You already have the dragons, what about the Lake and the Maze?

JBern replied:

The lake and the maze will most likely be different if I use them at all.   Krum hasn't won and event yet, he was due.~Jim

M2J MandalorianJedi posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 3:25am

Nice! Your fics keep getting better and better as they progress. It's good to see the Harry/Fleur interaction, though you have plenty of time in 4th year and even more beyond to get them together.

Plus, there's the fact that Harry isn't perfect and he makes his mistakes as noted from his conversation with Remus.

Hope the reconcile soon, though I don't see it happening for some time.

JBern replied:

Thanks for the compliment.   I like a hero who has his flaws.   More coming soon.~Jim

MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 3:21am

After years of reading HP fanfic, it was a pleasure to read a very original take on the dragon challenge. Also, nice to see it go horrible. The medical scene was a treat.

Poor Lupin. Always fun to see HJ lose his cool. More please.

So, has the golem the Hat rides been repaired or upgraded? Since it is still rather large, I'm going with repaired.

What a simple and nasty prank to play on the twins! Thanks for making them HJ's enemies. 99.9% of fanfic has them as friends, and this makes for a needed change.

JBern replied:

Glad you enjoyed it.   The golem has just been repaired at this point.~Jim

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 3:14am

Dumbledore was in rare form there. Great chapter. The prank on the twins was evil yet harmless, if you don't count the mental scars.

JBern replied:

Glad you liked it.   Not too many comments on the prank.   I guess it's a bit overshadowed by everything else.~Jim