By JBern
morriganscrow posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:49am
From an ex-nurse - excellent medical emergency!
Great chapter, and this continues to be a brilliant story.
JBern replied:
I'm glad I could impress someone who has experience in the field.~Jim
borsikk posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:40am
Ohh, another excellent chapter - your updates always make my day!
I hope your novel will come out as an ebook as well, so we poor Europeans can enjoy it too? I for one are already lined up and waiting to buy it...
JBern replied:
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. The collection of short stories will be available in ebook format. More info on that when available.~Jim
uthamm posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:40am
OMG. You owe me a keyboard for: "Too bad Hat isn't here. We could be at war by the time the weekend was over." and "so perhaps your physician can handle the cranial-rectal extraction".
Very nice - the interactions (Harry/Twins, Harry/Amiee, Harry/Fluer, Harry/Lupin) were perfect. The interactions mixed with the magic make the story.
JBern replied:
I'll try and come up something even funnier for the next chapter. Sorry about the keyboard.~Jim
Jon posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:32am
I would pay good money to read about Aimee's and Fleur's upcoming conversation with HJ.... =)
The medical scene is gripping and had me totally on the edge. Without a doubt this is a kickass chapter! =)
JBern replied:
Hopefully, I'll deliver on some conversation next chapter.~Jim
dic posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:26am
well, maybe harry being such a martyr will make fleur rethink her opinion of him as a little boy...
all in all, nice chapter. a little bit naive of harry to think that his approach to the dragon would win him this round, but then again, when it was just him and fleur in the bet, both winning and losing would have been okay...
so, how's it look with your original work? is that now nearly done and you get back "fulltime" to fanfiction? (I know this sounds a little unappreciative... but just tell me you put some of that humour in your original work and I'll buy it...)
so.. nice chapter, thx.
cya dic
JBern replied:
Well remember what Remus said - James often did things based on what amused him the most rather than the best solution.
I don't plan on tackling any original fiction for the moment so we'll see how much time I can devote to ff with that new daughter of mine.~Jim
Trscroggs posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:21am
I thought it was very intresting myself, and makes a lot of sense from what little we actually know about the broader wizarding culture.
First rate chapter, I'll sit here and patiently wait for the next.
Oh, and because I forgot to say it when it came out, I LOVE the puzzle box events.
JBern replied:
Glad you liked it. Thanks for the compliment on the previous chapter.~Jim
Asad posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:13am
Very nice, Jim. I had to read slowly to prolong the time it took to complete the chapter. :D
The medical part was a nice and rather unique touch. Perhaps Madam Beaucourt would be more agreeable once she has understood what happened. It will also be intriguing how this affects the friendship/relationship between Aimee and Harry.
Since Krum won, I eagerly await to read whether the Poltergeist on the Durmstrang ship takes some revenge or not.
Keep up the good work and update soon. :)
JBern replied:
I think you'll get your wish on the boat. Next chapter should be coming soon.~Jim
Apocalypse Thou posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 1:45am
I loved the chapter. Having just started (and finishing) watching House, the medical side of magic is now very interesting to read and unfortunately rarely done... I suppose Doctors have more important things to do than write fanfiction.
I'm definately looking forward to the next chapter and the reactions from the French at Harry doing what he did to save Aimee.
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliment. I'm a big fan of House as well. Next chapter will be coming soon.~Jim
Matthew Sands posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 1:41am
So Fred and George inadvertently gave each other 'A Stranger' then?
I do hope someone remembers to check on Remus before he manages to off himself.
And, as always, nicely done.
JBern replied:
Yeah, not a lot of comments on the prank. It must have been lost in all the drama. Thanks for the compliments.~Jim
Ivan Cantaros posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 1:38am
That's great chapter.. I like your idea regarding wizards medical practice, kinda brutal actually about the pig skin and switching body parts.. how come they didn't use that for combat?
Anyway thanks for the update! will wait for more..
JBern replied:
Well, people don't generally stand still during combat and let things get switched. It also takes a truly skilled wizard or witch to utilize Transfiguration in combat like that. However, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and HJ are those kind of people.
MonCappy posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 1:29am
This chapter has one of the most imaginative solutions to a dragon related Tri-Wizard task. I applaud your efforts with that section. Poor Aimee, though. I was hoping that Krum would be the one to receive a roasting.
Oh well. At least he is a competent adversary.
JBern replied:
It's too early for Krum to get some just desserts.~Jim
DrT posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 1:16am
Neville is getting an education hanging around HJ and Hat, that's for certain! too bad he wasn't there for the confrontation with the politician as well
JBern replied:
Glad you liked it. More coming soon.~Jim
Chris McFadden posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 1:06am
Yet another reason Dumbledore gets on my nerves. I've heard some great covers of "Paint It Black". <smirks> Some very nice work there.
JBern replied:
I've been chided for not using "Play With Fire" instead. Glad you enjoyed the chapter. More coming soon.~Jim
Jderig posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 12:44am
Ha, excellent. One of your best chapters in any story.
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliment.~Jim
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd December 2008 5:08am
Congrats on the sale of Existence. Sorry the review's been so long in coming. I love the way that you deflect the conflict of the last chapter so ably. I've got to adore the Hat as usual. First he takes a swing at Fawkes then he reveals the truth about foul Phineas.
The advice scene with Harry and Neville is just brilliant. He definitely is a rogue. LOL at the award and Harry wearing everything fireproof before telling Fleur she danced with Monsieur Pronghorn. The fact that Harry is so aware of the emotional connection and its darker possibilities just adds to the fun of this chapter. You're wrong though, I could have done with a bit of action to blast Snape around. Great chapter.
Oh and Monkey says he will be reading and reviewing just as soon as he gets a chance. Apparently I lead him a merry dance and keep him from his computer more often than is helpful to fanfic reading continuity.
JBern replied:
Just catching up on review replies. Thanks for yours.~Jim
fyrecat posted a comment on Monday 24th November 2008 2:13am
Finally, I can offer some (mildly)
constructive criticism!
I'm sure it's just typos, but here it is;
"Now that or cards have been revealed, ..."
Should be "...our cards..."
"I fight my way to the people who are solely interested in seeing the prized Pensieve..."
Should be
"I fight my way through..."
"And what is there punishment."
Should be:
"And what is their punishment."
Other than minor editorial items, this is, once again, a fantastic chapter!
I really like how HJ and Fleur's relationship is beginning to flower. (If you'll forgive the pun.)
I also like this "I'm Just a man" version of Dumbledore. It's a refreshing change.
I look forward to more updates soon (hint hint, nudge nudge.)
Speaking of which, Congrats on selling *another* story! I look forward to reading more of your work.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the corrections. I'll do my best to incorporate them at some point.~Jim
fyrecat posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2008 8:00pm
Well, that was quite clever. I like all the champions' solutions. I was wondering what you'd do with the staff competition.
Congrats on your new baby, and your professional writing!
Thanks again for sharing your story with us!
JBern replied:
Thanks for all the reviews. I'm finally catching up with my replies.~Jim
fyrecat posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2008 6:25pm
Well done! HJ asking Aimee was perfect!
The dementor fight was great too.
I think HJ should get points for fighting the dementors off. Maybe house points? something that has no bearing on the tournament, but still recognizes his efforts.
I wish there was something constructive I could offer, but the editing on this whole story has been great, and what I have found has already been mentioned by others.
Thanks again!
JBern replied:
Thank you.~Jim
fyrecat posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2008 5:30pm
... ever hear of finishing one thing before moving on to the next? Just a thought... Bloody hell what a cliffie! You are an evil, evil man.
JBern replied:
... ever hear of always leave them wanting more? :-)
Clell65619 posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2008 2:51am
JBern replied: