Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


Michael10 posted a comment on Monday 27th July 2009 4:30am

Enjoying this story, keep up the great work.

Essex posted a comment on Monday 27th July 2009 4:13am

Another excellent chapter. I also love the fact that this chapter finally answers the question as to why the twins never remarked upon Peter sharing a room with their brother.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 27th July 2009 4:04am

Awesome-sauce to say the least. Made me spit my coffee out when I read the Demetor and it's trip off the train, and just have this pic in my mind of seeing it fall from above, only to do a little poof when it hit the river, and then the other Dementors causing more problems, LOL. Great fight scene there in Hagrids Hut, and to have seen something like that in canon, the sheer lunacy of it all would have been overwhelming. Really have to say, the little match between Min and Sybil, just wonderful as well, and something to see when the two of them get into hissy fits( pun intended), but irritating to see that Albus is trying desperately to keep Harry from finding out more about his family, and that Remus is going along with that, some friend of the Potters.

DiscountNinja posted a comment on Monday 27th July 2009 3:23am

Good job, glad to hear that TML is gearing up to the finale!

So, on the JBern line-up we have the conclusion of Inner Eye and TML, followed by The Truth I'd Die For ... it is no doubt far too early for you to be thinking about it, but do you have any Harry Potter plans after that? Perhaps that H/Hr story you mentioned people were bugging you about =P

On a sadder note, what with being a published author, I compeltely understand that pastures green will be calling you ... but thankfully, I'll still be buying copies of whatever it is you write next in the origional fiction world =D

Clell65619 posted a comment on Monday 27th July 2009 1:24am

This story continues in its brilliance.

- Possibly the most original method for dealing with a dementor I've ever seen... The idea of the poor thing's head encased in a block of frozen alcohol tickles beyond all expectaions.

- The more he's around the more I like Colonel Sanders...

- I love that Peter stuck around as a ghost, and I don't think I've ever seen a story where Peter turned on the Potters for money. Brilliant.

- And why do all of Dumbledore's oaths involve Snape's ass?

- The idea that Harry and Sybill might be slowly driving Minerva mad amuses me to no end.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 27th July 2009 1:05am

An explanation about Peter and the map has been long overdue. :-)

Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

KenF posted a comment on Monday 27th July 2009 12:29am

I liked the bit with the twins circling Harry as they did the verbal tennis thing. It seems to add to the dizzyness and confusion that they like to create. Getting caught by Lupin was tasty, too.

Lovely bit of chaos in Hargrid's hut. Kept me worrying that Pettigrew would escape right until the end.

Celevon posted a comment on Saturday 18th July 2009 12:26am

Outstanding! I'm looking forward to reading the next installment.

darksidhe posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 6:41pm

Too funny! "I must not tell lies" With a blood quill in the diary. sweet.

Fayra de Fane posted a comment on Monday 29th June 2009 4:18am

This is marvelous!!!!

I almost fell down my chair reading!

Thanks for sharing, I enjoy reading very much.

James13 posted a comment on Saturday 27th June 2009 7:27pm


I loved the damsel in distress, being saved by the barmy knight on a giant chicken. Very entertaining :)

Harriverse posted a comment on Saturday 27th June 2009 9:34am

Totally original!!!

slickrcbd posted a comment on Friday 26th June 2009 12:09pm

All I can say is that his is hilarious and VERY good. This second chapter is a little sparse, but a barrel of laughs that I enjoyed immensely. I'm looking forward to seeing it continued even more than "Turn Me Loose".

WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Thursday 25th June 2009 1:40am

Yay! Chickens! I don't know why, but chickens are always funny. Perfect, what you did to Lockhart. Luna is great!

WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Thursday 25th June 2009 1:16am

I had a Heroes Season 1 marathon just last night, so reading the Save the Unicorn comment was especially funny this time around. I love your stories!

lydiakate98 posted a comment on Monday 22nd June 2009 12:37pm

This fic is hilarious. I like the fact that Harry and Sybil have some prophecies come true, and that Harry is starting to bring the Ravenclaws around to Divination. I also like the you've written both Harry, McGonagall and Trelawney and their interactions.

Lynn Terald posted a comment on Monday 22nd June 2009 11:14am

Holy shit, that was funny. Especially the bit about the Colonel Sanders giant chicken, because I work for KFC. I was a little skeptical of reading the second chapter after reading the first, but once I adjusted to the "new" Harry and just let myself enjoy the story I found that I liked this story.

LadyCath posted a comment on Sunday 21st June 2009 5:13am

I though the idea of Firenze as a familiar was hysterical but the giant rooster was inspired madness. I mean, please...Colonel Sanders!!! And many giggles were had by all;-)

LadyCath posted a comment on Sunday 21st June 2009 5:10am

Thank you for the much needed giggle fest. I absolutely love this story.

Mesterio posted a comment on Sunday 21st June 2009 12:04am

Definitely one of the most humorous HP stories I've read in a long time.