By JBern
gadriam posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 10:16pm
Feeling bad for Pansy? Oh, do wake up.
Actually, there might be a little twinge in the corroded remains of my fanficlover soul, but i can certainly ignore it. The question is, what will Ginny do with the necklace?
Curiouser and curiouser....
JBern replied:
What will she do indeed? Though I'm worried for our fiery little red head. It's been so very long since I've given in to my need to off a Weasley...
Blackstone4005 posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 9:56pm
Neville is so deliciously EVIL. I like that Pansy is still trying to Slytherin her way out of her predicament, but I have no sympathy for her. What goes around...yadda, yadda, yadda!
This is wonderful. Thanks for another fabulous read.
JBern replied:
Thanks for the compliments. Next chapter in 2 weeks as Pansy tries to figure a way out of her predicament and Neville delves more into the deadly art of Herbology. Dark corridors and Devil's Snare anyone?
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 8:33pm
Ohhh, brother. I wonder if Ginny is going to inform on Neville or simply ask to be an accomplice? I wonder how long it'll take Dumbledore to dig far enough into dark magic to realize what must have been done? Or does he even have the stomach for that? Things are building to a head here and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all resolves.
Great reading!!
JBern replied:
Poor Ginny, I have a history of having her make bad decisions. Think it's gonna change? Nah me neither...
Fishburne posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 3:48pm
Ba da Boom!
Sweet Neville on the make. Shudder.
Well, he has her pug-ness to train on /
Anyway, looking forward to the Revenants coming forward. Can't wait to see your next installment!
JBern replied:
Next chapter in 2 weeks Fishman! I have to put Lie chapter 5 out this week.~Jim
redwoodhouse posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 3:34pm
This story is getting darker and darker and darker. Are no characters going to escape from a bit of bad or evil?
JBern replied:
War is like that. It damages everyone in one way or another.~Jim
Taegeous posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 2:19pm
Feel bad for Pansy? Pity perhaps, but not sympathy. She's self-centered and makes comments designed to be purposefully cruel, such as her remarks about Luna.
She had no problem being in the company of the dark side, as long as she didn't have to do anything herself. Now she finds herself trapped in an nasty situation, and maybe she realizes that death is not something to speak so casually of.
JBern replied:
A brutally honest answer. I like it! Hope you continue to enjoy the story.~Jim
Frank Hacklander posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 1:13am
Problems with syntax/sentence construction still crop up every now and again such as the example below:
"Trixie will be ablest to be freely"
Occasionally you also use the possessive form when instead you wish to use the plural.
but these are just quibbles. it's interesting that in your response to reviews, you've suggested that you view harry, neville and draco all as harry variants and that they (or some of them) are on a collision course. it will be interesting to see how you allow the collision to play out.
neville is developing in surprising ways. why did you not include a scene wherein harry let neville know that he recovered neville's mother? will neville use pansy as a plaything? neville also appears to be a bit cold about harry and susan. is it possible that he will consider them impediments to progress that must be removed?
i like your voldie. some great lines. i'm not altogether sure i get the REVENANTS for the blood betrayer. given the history, strikes me as something that backfire on old voldie.
regardless, waiting for the next chapter. thx.
JBern replied:
Still working on my so-so mechanics. Thanks for reminding me that I still need to get better. The train wreck of characters will happen within the next two chapters, I promise. So much to do and so little time. Next chapter in 2 weeks.~Jim
Infin1x posted a comment on Tuesday 29th May 2007 3:36am
Every new story and author I read on FFA makes me even happier that i found it. Each author seems to have something interesting they bring and this is no different. This is the single best writing of Voldieshorts I have ever read. Well maybe it's a tie with a story about the psychiatrist, Voldemort and his evil stuffed bear Patches. There are plenty of stories where Neville buckles down and becomes a serious player but I don't think I have ever seen it done quite like this. I must compliment you on the H/S so few authors take the time to have a proper progression when pairing Harry with a small canon character and just have them fall magically in love. However if I remember one thing from this fic it will be Pettigrew: The Motivational Speaker.
JBern replied:
Thank you for the compliments. I'm glad you have enjoyed the story thus far. I almost killed Peter last chapter, vice Lestrange, but I'm glad I didn't - especially when I have something else planned.~Jim
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2007 4:41am
I don't really need to say that much other than, thanks for the mention in the acknowledgements.
I like the addition to the chapter, I think it rounds it off slightly nicer than Neville controlling Pansy. Especially now as we're wondering what the hell Lilly Potter now is!
Thanks for writing!
JBern replied:
Well, I appreciate all the assistance you have given. Glad you enjoyed the extra touches to the chapter. Next update this week.~Jim
Karenelaine posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 8:09pm
This is probably the most realistic story I have read yet. Its kind of disturbing. I'm not sure that Harry can defeat Voldemort. He might have to become somewhat like Voldemort to defeat him. That connect with the dementors might be a way to do it, but it would appear that Harry would lose himself in the process.
I hope I can actually read the next chapter.
JBern replied:
There's no guarantee that Harry's going to win...
Seriously, glad you enjoy my take on a realistic Wizarding War, where the lines between light and dark start to blur.~Jim
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 6:58pm
That final scene fixed my only problem with this chapter. Loved Harry's "Acme" way of fighting and "The state of reanimation practice in Europe was truly deplorable." was a terrific line. Loved the ending to this. More please.
JBern replied:
Thanks bunches for your comments. More coming this week.~Jim
skulLXeon posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd May 2007 5:58pm
Damn... i lost track of the chapters and i was already starting to click on the NEXT link when i realized... that i'd read most of it...
i have to say... its a very good story... at first, i skipped it in order to read bungle in the jungle cause i thought it'd be like one of those Super Harry fics where he outta nowhere has abilities and starts pimp slappin voldemort... but after reading bungle, i said alright... lets see... its a good story... and i must say, the way that voldemort is portrayed here makes alot more sense.... he's more realistic... he is a dark lord and stuff, so i can't say i'm not surprised at the plans he unleashes .... and i gotta say... the light side is definitely in need of... something.... cause for every victory they suffer an even worst loss....
but good fic nonetheless... i'll be on the look out for another update to this.... while i go in search of another great fic... =D adios for now... and see you around....
JBern replied:
Thanks for giving the story a try. Next update coming this week. I like writing a realistic Voldemort. Too many make him a cartoonish villain with no real depth.~Jim
warpwizard posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 7:16pm
Wow. Nasty, dark chapter. You make me suspend my disbelief. Bravo.
JBern replied:
Glad you appreciate a story where the lines between Dark and Light begin to blur.~Jim
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 2:49am
JBern replied:
Crys posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 1:53am
Wow, the whole situation is getting messier and messier . . .
Not a criticism of you at all. The writing is good. Just four major situations to keep track of and only one of them is even partially under Harry's control (the attack on the deez HQ). Nev's still going down his path, Merlin knows what LV is up to, and Narcissa is dealing with her situation but it's still a mess.
Still a dark story, but it is excellent.
Hmm. That thing with Lily at the end could be bad for Harry or be bad for LV (if the ritual screwed up somehow. Or was blocked by her sacrifice).
Anyway, looking forward to more.
JBern replied:
Fortunately, the 'mess' is tidying itself up nicely. Cissy's on her way to Hogwarts. Harry and Nev are already there. So things will get a lot less cluttered. (I almost wrote the whole Charlie/Cissy thing as an independent side story. In retrospect it was long enough to probably warrant it.)
If I ever do a sweeping rewrite of it at some point, I'd probably do that and turn it into it's own story.
Stay tuned for more on the ritual.~Jim posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 1:27am
Awesome chapter!!!! I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. Of course the wait for the updates is always worth it because you make it worth it. I still don't think that having Harry's parents come back to life as zombies will do anything exept enrage Harry which it already has done but I'll wait and see what happens next. DO keep up the awesome work and update soon please:):):):)
JBern replied:
Remember what the Voodoo Queen said. Necromancy without the Blood Magic is just makin de zombies. They apparently used lots and lots of Blood Magic this time around...
fraupapst posted a comment on Sunday 20th May 2007 10:40pm
This was a very scary chapter. What happened to Charlie is horrible, and that ritual gives me the creeps. I liked how you went into the risks and sacrifices involved in using Dark Magic. Bearing in mind that Lily had dabbled in Blood Magic herself, the results of the Revenant ritual can go any way, I think. I'd like it if it was something neither Lily nor Voldemort would have wanted.
JBern replied:
Thanks. Glad I can give you the woolies. Just you wait and see what happens to the Revenant...~Jim
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 20th May 2007 7:53am
Hmm, I suspect Voldemort isn't going to appreciate Harry's actions any more than Harry is going to appreciate Tom's; I suspect, though, that if Tom's attack doesn't work, he's going to have one coldly dangerous foe coming after him.
The other vignettes definitely were interesting, Neville seems to be moving from Light to, at least, Gray, with fair rapidity. I can understand it, to a degree, but he's going to endanger more than servants of the Dark if he keeps this up. I think Harry's maturing in his personal relationship with Susan as well as his professional one with Tonks.
Finally, the way Narcissa is dealing with the threats facing her is most illuminating, there's obviously a very strong bond between her and Charlie. Now, Madame Delacourt really needs to stop and think, it was a Frenchwoman who betrayed Fleur and brought about her demise, if she's pissed at anyone, it should be that girl's family for not raising her better.
JBern replied:
Grieving parents sometimes assign the blame in the strangest places...
For the people fighting the war, no one is ever happy. Except maybe Neville, but his sanity is questionable at the moment!
Glad you liked the maturing side of Harry realizing that his actions do indeed affect those around them.~Jim
Vongsawat posted a comment on Saturday 19th May 2007 9:44pm
love~ cant wait for the next update. still think Bungle in the Jungle is the better fic tho lol.
JBern replied:
Glad you enjoy it. Still, I started this story first and I want to see it brought to the conclusion that's been in my head for a year and a half.~Jim
nesparatu posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 10:24pm
JBern replied: