Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 8th October 2008 7:54am

Congratulations on the new baby! Boy or girl? I really like this chapter. Harry saves the day again with a makeshift cave. That was excellent. Sveltanna is interesting. Harry seems to find the babes everywhere he goes. I like Hack! He is cool. He likes babes too! This is getting interesting. They have to fight their way all the way to a bigger fight. I look forward to the next chapter. Thanks for writing. pms

JP posted a comment on Wednesday 8th October 2008 12:25am

Congratulations on the new sproglet - I hope he/she is well and you are all getting enough sleep! Loving the story and most impressed you manage to write anything with a new little one!
The Wombat

Anthony May posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2008 12:36pm

Man J-Bern you are awesome. This story is GREAT. Can't wait for the next update. Congratulations, on your child.

Carol Layland posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2008 9:10am

Hi Jim, I just sort of found this addition to your wonderful story list. Your writing is both immaginative and coherent so it is easy to read and I enjoy it very much.

Saturn_Dragoon2 posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 7:28pm

New kid? Congrats man!!!

jcates posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 5:33pm

The whole scene, style, and feel is completely unique to any story I've ever read. Well done.

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 3:40pm

I loved this chapter. Keep it coming, and keep the suspense going.

kwp posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 2:30pm

Oh, and congratulations on your new baby!

kwp posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 2:28pm

I enjoyed this chapter, as I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy this series.

I found the language used by Svetlanna particularly interesting. I don't think there is anything she has read that actually rules out her being Baba Yaga... Not that she need be, but rather that I found the interchange interesting when viewed from that possibility.

JBern replied:

Thanks for the review.   I'll be working on chapter 10 shortly and it will answer your question definitively.~Jim

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 1:41pm

Loved this part here, fun to see how the group makes its way to their final point, as well as seeing Harry get some much needed relaxation as it were. Svetlana is an interesting character, and looking forward to seeing what all she is about exactly. Hack rocks as usual, and is just a heck of a guy as it were.

Ben10 posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 11:51am

It's impressive that you can keep up with writing not just 'one', but TWO awesome fics.

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 11:26am

Harry the stud is at it again. I think that Svetlanna is the Witch that they are look for and this is her way of testing them.

Thanks for writing

stealacandy posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 9:21am

A typo: "Out in the field is a bad place to lose sight of why we're" ... why what? A word possibly more, are missing here. I think "here", as in "why are we here" should do the job.


Portus posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 7:28am

The casual use of sarcasm is one of the many things I really enjoy about this fic and it's prequel. Your Harry is becoming the jaded person that anyone not written by Rowling would become when dealt hand after crappy hand by Fate.

This chapter seemed a little short, but in truth that might be a reult of my devouring it in probable record time. How is it I can be a speed-reader with this kind of thing but not when it has to do with work or assembly instructions?

I look forward to the next chapter of this and "Lie".

Marvin posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 6:51am

This chapter's a master piece. Really.
Good jokes, good description, fantastic action, really, I'm impressed.
Thanks, congrats to your baby, and keep up the good work!


Loopy Dane posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 5:11am

Congrats on the little jimmy! (or jimette?)
Thanks for another good chapter!
No, Svetlana couldn't possibly be a plant! And is certainly not Baba Yaga herself... Heh.

vasilis01 posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 4:45am

Once again excellent update.

KDDR22 posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 4:28am

Very funny and entertaining. Congrats on the new baby

DiscountNinja posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 3:55am

Great chapter :D nice work - especially the whole sapper-blitzkreig idea, very imaginative :D

Fight scenes are, as always, immaculate :D

Blacksheep posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 3:38am

Ahh.. and the action returns.

chapters like this (well written, advancing plot, AND nice sprinkling of action & comedy) is the whole reason I got addicted to the first story with just the first chapter.