Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


Jason Huitt posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 8:34am

I stopped reading Bungle in the Jungle a while back. Just the other day, I got an email update saying that this was posted. It was when I read the summary that I decided to go back and finish Bungle. I did that today and read this first part. The only complaint that I have is that the second one is not ready. I'm anxious to see Harry's reunion with the ones that called themselves his friends and I also can't wait to see how he handles being around a Luna Lovegood who is the most real version that I have ever read.

Congratulations on TWO well written tales. I look forward to the next email that tells me that the next part is ready. Thanks for reminding me that while JKR is through with Harry, that does not mean that there are not more stories involving the Boy who lived just waiting to be discovered.

Jason Huitt

JBern replied:

Well, welcome back to the story.   I'm juggling a good number of projects these days, but this one is never far from my twisted mind.~Jim

00_Knight posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 8:04am

Yay! I truly believe that out of the three (I count this one as part of Bungle) stories posted here, this one is the best!

Can't wait for next update.

JBern replied:

Glad you liked it.   Chapter 2 in 2 more weeks.~Jim

Wookie13 posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 7:31am

Yeah!!!!! I am so glad that you have finally posted the second part to Bungle in the Jungle. Nice action in this first chapter. I would have held Dumblebutt to a stricter oath about not interferring in Harry's life and all information that DD has kept from Harry and about Harry had to be presented in the next week and as soon as possible for everything new that dd learns about Harry that Harry may or may not know. Also a relinquishing of any and all control that dd has on Harry's money would have been good as well. Otherwise I look forward to the next chapter.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   Comprimises must be made.   Naturally, DD knew he was going to be forced into an oath for a while now.   I'd guess he made a few preparations, wouldn't you?~Jim

Ravenclawchaser68 posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 7:29am

Fantastic chapter! Your take on the cursed necklace was great, and Harry's dual citizenship was pretty inventive as well. "Non-stop roller coaster ride" sounds pretty good to me. I can't wait to see the chaos Harry wreaks in Hogwarts. Thanks for writing!

JBern replied:

I'm glad you're enjoying it.   I don't forsee Harry getting a breather for quite some time.~Jim

Loopy Dane posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 6:34am

frickin' awesome chapter! Great fight scene at the airport. The Ambassador Potter was an interesting twist, I look forward to seeing what a pain in Harry's a** it ends up being, but 36 fighters at your command should be helpful...
Thank you for sharing your time and talent with us.

JBern replied:

Thanks for the compliments.   I'm glad you enjoyed it.   Next chapter coming in 2 short weeks.~Jim

taxzombie posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 6:31am

A most excellent continuation of the Bungle in the Jungle saga.

Got a good laugh out of your description of Hack.

This is a very hard Harry, but still beneath that hardness is the old one, the one that will give his all to save an innocent. Why else would he have done what he did for Katie.

Looking forward to following this. There are still many that have debts to be paid and I look forward to reading how Harry collects them.

JBern replied:

Good to see you still around and suriving another harrowing tax season.   Much more of Harry's particular blend of subtleness coming soon!~Jim

Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 3:31am

I like it! Keep on going!

JBern replied:

I'll do my best.   Next chapter in 2 weeks.~Jim

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 3:14am

Wonderful! The roller coaster is off to a great start! Sneaky bit about "ambassador".

Thank you so much for this. I'm really looking forward to more.

Tom A.
(Yes, I'm working on the next chapter of my story, and I'm cleaning up last years NaNoWriMo so I'll have 2 stories in the works again)

JBern replied:

Thanks.   If I had told you about the ambassador and citizenship part at the end of Bungle, it wouldn't have been fun now would it?   You all like to have fun don't you?   Next chapter, you finally find out what the hell Dumbledore was thinking.   That should be more unexpected fun?~Jim

DrT posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 2:33am

The ending was quite surprising, but I did enjoy the whole chapter, esp. Harry's dealings with the British powers that be


JBern replied:

Glad you liked.   Next chapter in 2 weeks.   I didn't want to go overboard with the political stuff, but large chunks of it needed to be done.~Jim

wagner7144 posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 2:07am


JBern replied:

Kinda creeps me out, but good for you...

timmerator posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 1:37am

Wow!... just WOW!

I am not unhappy that you are contiuing this fic.

good work!


JBern replied:

In that case, I am not unhappy that you reviewed!~Jim

Manatheron posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 1:16am

Nice start to the second segment.
I personally didn't think that we need the recap, but then I just re-read 'Bungle in the jungle' Yesterday so I'm probably biased :D

The changes to hack were particularly interesting, and I'm almost worried about the newest breed of troll the might be springing up in the near future, but that's neither here nor there I guess.

It's going to be interesting seeing what changes the demon's blood has wrought on harry, or more specifically on his Animagus form. At least I'm assuming that's where they'll become apparent.

I also wonder about Fawk's reaction to them. It's obviously significant, but WHY he would react so viciously is going to be interesting to see. I've alway wondered if Phoenix are really the 'Good only' birds that their portrayed as or if they have a darker side. They are after all the physical embodiment of the most destructive element...

Anyway, Keep up the excellent work!

JBern replied:

That's a really good review.   I'd rather spend my time writing new stuff then recapping old, so if people need a refresher, they're just going to have to reread Bungle.

More on the changes to Hack and possibly Harry.   I will say that Harry will have a disposition more oriented towards destructive magic...

Wonderful theory on Fawkes.   Next chapter in 2 weeks.~Jim

Vongsawat posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 1:14am


ok, now that ive gotten that out of my system, loved it, the non-stop action jus kept me on the tip of my toes about the entire time. Hack is wickedness, too wicked to put into words, your right, If i had a daemonxtroll with mini wings who can change size at will with Hack's personality I wouldnt trade him for a dragon either ^^
The writing is much better now, 2nd-person grammar is gay, i dint trip up reading it even once so i gotta say either your getting more comfortable with writing in secondperson or ure beta is good. v. good. ^^

JBern replied:

Glad you liked it.   Next chapter coming in 2 weeks. Hopefully the action doesn't let up.~Jim

PerfesserN posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 12:39am

I love the imagery here, you are able to paint a poignantly believable picture of Harry's childhood with a single descriptive line, the one about the boy on the urine stained sheets in the tiny cupboard praying for someone to rescue him.
He's been through the refiner's fire and has come out powerful and politically savvy. Add to that the ability to learn from his mistakes.
Looking forward to the next few dozen updates with baited breath.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   Glad you liked it.   You're probably the first one to comment on that particular scene.   Next chapter coming in 2 weeks.~Jim

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 12:19am

Wonderful start here, and cannot wait to see how things go at Hoggies, especially with Dumbledore trying to do his best to control Harry, as it's in his blood to, do so, almost like a scorpion wanting to sting.

JBern replied:

Glad you liked it.   There's a new chapter coming in 2 weeks.~Jim

Hemotem posted a comment on Friday 31st August 2007 11:41pm

WOOOT!! I am glad to see this thank you.


JBern replied:

Thanks.   Next chapter in 2 weeks.~Jim

lol posted a comment on Friday 31st August 2007 10:56pm


JBern replied:

Thanks.   Next chapter in 2 weeks.~Jim

wolfwood posted a comment on Friday 31st August 2007 10:49pm

very very nice. if the rest of the chapters are like this we're in for a wild ride!

JBern replied:

The action shouldn't let up for quite some time.~Jim

Lufio posted a comment on Friday 31st August 2007 10:36pm


"Some" excitement there
Each time he goes somewhere new.
He's right to think so.

Airport. Ministry.
Hogsmeade, too. Explosive start
For the second fic.

I'm looking forward
To your "roller coaster ride".
Here's to you, good sir.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   I appreciate the review.   My apologies for it taking so long to get current on the backlog.~Jim

Mark Blaine posted a comment on Friday 31st August 2007 10:28pm

Good Work.

JBern replied:

Thanks.   Next chapter in 2 weeks.~Jim