Content Harry Potter Original Works Harry Potter/New Battlestar Galactica


Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Saturday 31st October 2009 10:16am

Picky point, I'm sure, but it was Ron that polished the award. Harry was stuck helping Lockhart answer his fan mai.l (occurred in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

Ken Warner posted a comment on Saturday 31st October 2009 7:19am

loved the chapter - finally the real "Dark Lord" gets a bit of what he deserves.

I will go and download Deadeye - can you accept money for it over Paypal?

Also i have a free membership for you on the site I am a minority partner in

let me know when you register and I will approve it at full privileges.

Ken - let me know if you want anything beta'd - although this and the last i previewed show that you don't really need it anymore.
thanks for sharing

Carol Layland posted a comment on Saturday 31st October 2009 5:21am

Welcome Back! I had given up waiting for another chapter and just stopped reading your stories as good as they are. Now I can go back to including reading your stories in anticipation of great writing, well conceived plot lines and unique view points. At this point I am hoping for an early posting to this story and I am eagerly anticipating the same.

LifeScientist posted a comment on Saturday 31st October 2009 4:31am

Its great to have you back and moving forward on this story. Nice job of shifting Dumbledore out of the game for the moment at least.
Looking forward to more soon,

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 31st October 2009 2:16am

Well, it's been a while but you've got a most entralling chapter here. I do rather hope Harry & Luna patch things up enough to at least remain good friends, if not more. Meanwhile, I loved the interrogation of Draco and the finale of using Albus' own words against him. That last was truly beautiful irony-mongering.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Saturday 31st October 2009 2:14am

Love it!!! About time that manipulative old coot got what was coming to him. Thanks for the update, and I hope all is well with you and yours.

Wolf550e posted a comment on Saturday 31st October 2009 1:43am

"The goblin’s are revolting, the Death Eater’s are running loose" - apostrophes

"Sometimes the greater requires sacrifices." - missing "good"

"but Snape grasps the man’s wrist and." - and what?

lenny posted a comment on Saturday 31st October 2009 12:19am

ok this was a nice chapter but please continue the lie story also

motherjenjen posted a comment on Saturday 31st October 2009 12:17am

hi ya
this fic is the bomb but i have to tell you i have just stayed up most of the night (and i'm sick so i need my sleep) reading dead eye..... OMG it's the best thing i've read in a LONG TIME
you're a freaking genious... is there a second one coming out soon???? it's awsome
please please please say that you're writing a second one....
love al

Patches posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 10:56pm

These last 2 chapters have been really remarkable. For Dumbledore to manipulate Harry and Hermione into having sex is deplorable. There is no lower level that he can reach. He would kill his own mother if he thought it would help his agenda. I'm glad Harry and Snape are working together. I hope it doesn't backfire on Harry. It is good they didn't kill the old meddler but I look forward to how you work this out. Thanks for writing. As soon as I get some things organized I plan to get copies of your original works. Thanks for all the entertainment. pms

DrT posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 10:29pm

I don't think I've seen Snape fulfil his opening speech like this before! Looks like things are coming to a climax

GinnyLover posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 10:22pm

I finally got to read Dead Eye! It really suprised me! Not my genre normally but i really enjoyed and and cant wait for the sequel!

MagyarEagle posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 9:04pm

Actually just finished reading both this, and your novel, and I must say I loved both, especially your original work: Dead Eye. The opening of that story was sheer genius; "I volunteered for Mr. Bush’s war. A few years later, a roadside bomb selected me for something else altogether. Now, I help people with ghost problems. Occasionally, I help ghosts with people problems. No one really helps with my problems"
Great work on that, and I hope a sequel is coming soon, as I am definitely eager to here more of both Harry's and Mike's stories, especially more of Mike.

dimriver posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 7:05pm

Snicker. Unexpected attacks work way better. I'm very glad to see another chapter of your story. Thank you for writing.

grovepjp posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 6:59pm

Welcome Back.

I had the good fortune of rereading Bungle and this one earlier in the week.

It is good as ever.

Keep it up


M2J MandalorianJedi posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 6:38pm

Wow... I honestly think this is the first fic that has ever had both Harry and Snape working together to bring down Dumbledore while still hating each others guts.

Impressive, to say the least despite the short chapter. Hope to see more soon. I was a great read.

Jonathan Langford posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 5:22pm

Nice. I'd like to see (a) a relatively happy ending for this story (but I'm beginning to have my doubts), and (b) Dumbledore actually, definitively get what's coming to him. This chapter at least gave us a tiny smidgeon of that, but I'd like to see more. Alas, you've made it so that Harry--despite his growth--still isn't able to pull one over on Dumbledore without the help of a superior schemer such as Snape.

It will be interesting to see what you do with this...

heathw posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 4:29pm

I love Harry (and Snape's) more "mature" response to Dumbledore. It's pure literary gold. I've never been much of a fan of the "greater good" speaches. I think it better left to angsty teens and the partially insane, it feels like a rather poor excuse for an intellectual. That being said, I recognize it's almost a biblical reference as far as the indy Harry fandom goes. I'm glad to see you picked this back up and thrilled to hear you have another original work on the horizon.

Renzo7 posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 3:56pm

Wow! That was extremely unexpected, but so fitting. Great twist to the story!

Keep up the awesome work, I just downloaded your ebook and will start reading it tomorrow. I hope you update soon.

Jearom posted a comment on Friday 30th October 2009 3:32pm

Wow... I am speechless. It will be interesting to see where this goes from here.